Donor — Spotlight
What does Southeast Missouri State University mean to you?
I attended one year in 1948-49 and my wife from 1950-51. After serving in the Army from 1951 to 1953. I attended Washington University in St Louis graduating in 1956. I went to Lehigh University as a graduate student in 1956 finishing a MSCE degree in 1958. After working on the AASHTO Road Test in Ottawa, Il I returned to Lehigh as a doctoral candidate and then served on the faculty until 2002 when I retired. My contributions to SE MO U just serve to recognize those early years.
Why is it important to support students (at a time like this)?
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Why do you give to Southeast?
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Why do you believe the work of the Foundation is important?
Any support for higher education is needed for those without resources from their parents
What personal experiences have you had with the students you have helped (who have been helped by the Foundation)?
Most of my support goes to graduate students
Why should other people give to Southeast?
Those with closure ties as graduates are more likely to be your major contriutors
Are you a Southeast alumnus?