
Explain your career path

Over the past nine years at IBM, I have been promoted six times with my most recent appointment as the Executive Program Manager of Workforce Transformation for Global Technology Services taking place in September of 2018. For nine years, I have been a part of the largest division of IBM called Global Technology Services, where I have leveraged my passion and expertise for effective communications and project management to drive innovation, employee engagement, and culture change for my colleagues, clients and company. My various roles throughout the years have included a communications focal, a client mediator, a project manager, a manager, a recruiter, a trainer, a Global Innovation Program Manager and now Executive Program Manager.

What was your major at Southeast and how would you characterize the quality of that program to prospective students?

Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications with emphasis in Public Relations Double minor in Spanish and Marketing

Why did you choose to attend Southeast?

An excellent Mass Communications and Public Relations program led by Dr. Susan Gonders-- this accredited program helped prepare me for a career where communications is key in all industries and companies

Who influenced you most during your time at Southeast?

Dr. Susan Gonders had a brilliant way to making every conversation and class a fun and quality learning experience.

Share your best college memory.

This is probably the most difficult question as there were so many wonderful memories made during my time at SEMO. Watching my brother play football as a Redhawk is high on the list along with winning volleyball and basketball intramural leagues, and of course, nights out and nights in with a group of fun-loving friends.

If you were in Greek Life, the Honors Program or any other student organization, please tell us about that experience and how it impacted you.

As the Global Innovation Program Manager for all of Global Technology Services, I created our Global Innovation Program from scratch that enabled 120k IBMers around the world to share and mature their innovative ideas and solutions for an opportunity to pitch them to our Senior Vice President and Executive Investor Panel. As a result of this program, we signed over $250M in deals and realized over $2M in cost savings from the implementation of those innovative ideas from 2016-2017.

What is the most important thing you learned while you were at Southeast?

I can do anything if make it a priority... And I work great under pressure.

Describe Southeast in three words.

Fun, Opportunity, Memories

What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?

My advice is to be open-minded. Don't shut out opportunities just because it's not exactly what you are looking for or because you don't think you have all the required skills. In most cases, you don't need to meet all qualifications or have all of the boxes checked to get your foot in the door. What matters most is that you are willing to learn, have the right attitude, and are open to all opportunities in front of you. So next time you are feeling less than confident, leave your doubts at the door and go for it!