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Register Now for 'Reviewing Student Records' Training to be Held Sept. 14
Reviewing Student Records training will be offered in the traditional face-to-face format from 8:30-10:30 a.m., on Thursday, Sept. 14. The training will be held in Kent Training Lab Room 110. Please note that the Kent Training Lab entrance has been permanently relocated to the east side of Kent Library by Textbook Services. Reviewing Student Records is aimed at both academic and non-academic units requiring access to student records via Internet Native Banner (INB). Participants will review the various student-related information forms in INB, including address, general student, test scores, grades, GPA information and comment information. Security access to student records will not be provided without this training. The prerequisite for the student session is Banner Overview and Navigation training, which is available in an online format only. Enrollment in Banner Overview & Navigation Online Training requires completion of a Web-based online form. That form is available on the Information Technology website at This form must be completed by a supervisor. Trainees who serve in a supervisory role (i.e., dean, chair, faculty, director, etc.) who complete the form are to place their names in both the supervisor and employee form fields. To register for the student face-to-face course, visit Directions on how to access Skillport as well as information on How to Access Skillport Workshops and Events are at the top of the screen. Any issues logging in should be directed to Please also note that Banner trainings in an online format now include Banner Navigation & Navigation Simulation, Banner Navigation with Data Entry, Navigation with Data Entry Simulation and Banner Overview. Banner Finance courses are available as well. Any questions regarding traditional or online Banner trainings should be directed to Martha Henckell at (573) 651-4357.
Reviewing Student Records training will be offered in the traditional face-to-face format from 8:30-10:30 a.m., on Thursday, Sept. 14. The training will be held in Kent Training Lab Room 110. Please note that the Kent Training Lab entrance has been permanently relocated to the east side of Kent Library by Textbook Services. Reviewing Student Records is aimed at both academic and non-academic units requiring access to student records via Internet Native Banner (INB). Participants will review the various student-related information forms in INB, including address, general student, test scores, grades, GPA information and comment information. Security access to student records will not be provided without this training. The prerequisite for the student session is Banner Overview and Navigation training, which is available in an online format only. Enrollment in Banner Overview & Navigation Online Training requires completion of a Web-based online form. That form is available on the Information Technology website at This form must be completed by a supervisor. Trainees who serve in a supervisory role (i.e., dean, chair, faculty, director, etc.) who complete the form are to place their names in both the supervisor and employee form fields. To register for the student face-to-face course, visit Directions on how to access Skillport as well as information on How to Access Skillport Workshops and Events are at the top of the screen. Any issues logging in should be directed to Please also note that Banner trainings in an online format now include Banner Navigation & Navigation Simulation, Banner Navigation with Data Entry, Navigation with Data Entry Simulation and Banner Overview. Banner Finance courses are available as well. Any questions regarding traditional or online Banner trainings should be directed to Martha Henckell at (573) 651-4357.