Summer Classes
Continue to main contentAre you ready for some summer musical excitement? Join a class and let's have some fun!
Make music, make friends, and have fun while doing it during our summer classes. It’s not about hitting the right note or being the best-it’s about enjoying the experience, having fun, and picking up some new skills and friends along the way. Classes are taught in our state-of-the-art Piano Lab (Room RCS 404) at the River Campus.
Kid’s Piano Class
Instructor: Rebecca Gentry
Beginning Piano for Grades 1-6.
Taught at SEMO River Campus Seminary Room RCS 404.
Offered the week of:
- July 14: Monday through Friday, 10 - 11 a.m.
5 one-hour lessons. Fee - $75
Enrollment is limited to 16 per class. Additional classes may be added.
The deadline for registration is June 28
Beginning Guitar Class
Instructor: Jesse Steele
Taught in the Dobbins River Campus Room 120
Beginning Guitar for Grades 1-6.
We have a limited number of loaner instruments- FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED!
Offered the week of:
- July 14: Monday through Friday, 9-10:00 AM
5 one hour lessons. Fee - $75
The deadline for registration is June 28
Interested in enrolling in the Music Academy?
The enrollment process for entry to the Music Academy is for new and continuing students. Registration is required each semester.
Contact Us
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 7925
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701