Join the nest. You’ll do that here.
Types of Halls
You’ll find a variety of living options at Southeast. Whether you want community style, a private bathroom, a location near class, or to have one roommate, two roommates, or a roommate with four paws, you’ll find housing on campus to fit your needs.
Terms to Know
- RA- Resident Assistant
- RHA- Residence Hall Association
- HD- Hall Director
- Single- A room for only one person (1 bed, 2 desks, 2 chairs, etc.)
- Double- A room set up for two people (2 beds, 2 desks, 2 chairs, etc.)
- Contract Buyout- paying to get out of the remainder of the housing contract.
- Prorated- Only paying for the time you were living in the room.
- Board- Meal plan
- Deposit- a sum of money placed up front and kept in a holding account to later be returned or placed toward charges, cancellation fees, or damages upon moving out (Paid during completion of the housing contract)
- Deferred Deposit- an approved delayed deposit, based on the student's SAI score (-1500 to zero), that is charged to the student's account at the beginning of the incoming semester to be paid with the student's bill.
- SAI- Student Aid Index, found on the FAFSA award letter
- FAFSA- Free Application for Federal Student Aid
What’s the difference between community and suite-style living at Southeast?
Community Residence
- Co-ed buildings with single-gender floors.
- An entire floor shares a communal bathroom and shower room that includes private stalls.
- Bathrooms are cleaned by professional cleaning staff.
- Dorm Rooms in communal halls have a convenient sink in the room.
- Community residence halls tend to harvest a welcoming environment where residents feel comfortable leaving their doors open, which leads to fast-forming friendships with floormates.
- This is a great solution for students with outgoing personalities or individuals looking forward to making friends.
Suite Residence
- Co-ed floors with single-gender suites.
- A typical Southeast suite consists of two rooms (doubles or triples) that share a bathroom and shower.
- Only suitemates have access to the bathroom.
- Suitemates are responsible for keeping the bathroom clean.
- Each suite has two sinks, either one in each room or two in the bathroom. This allows roommates to share a sink.
- Some suites have additional features like a kitchenette, living room, or walk-in closet.
- Suite-style living offers more privacy for students and the opportunity to bond with suitemates.
- This is a great solution for a group of close friends who want to live together.
Campus Housing Features
- Customer service desks
- Communal lounges
- Local dining
- Laundry included in room rent
- Furniture
- Clothing storage
- Desk and chair
- XL twin beds that can be bunked
- High-speed Wi-Fi
- Ice and vending machines
- Mailboxes
- Key or keycard grants access to residence halls
- Shuttle access
Housing Options
Towers Complex
Towers East
- Location: Towers Complex on north campus
- Hall Type: community, floor shares bath/shower rooms
- Room Types: singles and doubles
- Local Dining: Towers Landing and Rowdy's
- Bonus Feature: eSports Arena
Towers North
- Location: Towers Complex on north campus
- Hall Type: suite-style, shared bath/shower (cleaned by resident)
- Room Types: double and premium double
- Local Dining: Towers Landing and Rowdy's
- Bonus Feature: eSports Arena
Towers South
- Location: Towers Complex on north campus
- Hall Type: community, floor shares bath/shower rooms
- Room Types: singles and doubles
- Local Dining: Towers Landing and Rowdy's
- Bonus Feature: eSports Arena
- Single-spaced Pet Community Floors: Floor 3 for Females and 4 for Males
Towers West
- Location: Towers Complex on north campus
- Hall Type: suite-style, shared bath/shower (cleaned by resident)
- Room Types: double and premium double
- Local Dining: Towers Landing and Rowdy's
- Bonus Feature: eSports Arena
- Double space Pet Community Floor on the 3rd floor
Dobbins Center
- Location: River Campus
- Hall Type: suite-style, shared bath/shower (cleaned by resident), kitchenette, and lounge
- Room Types: double
- Resident Requirement: ONLY students accepted into the Visual and Performing Arts Special Interest Housing community are eligible. This approval is done by the Office of Residence Life through the special interest housing application.
- Local Dining: St. Vincent's Commons
- Bonus Features: practice rooms and fitness center
LaFerla Hall
- Location: North campus
- Hall Type: suite-style, shared bath/shower (cleaned by resident)
- Room Types: double
- Local Dining: Towers Landing, Subway, Rowdy's
Special Interest Housing Communities: ONLY students accepted into the following Special Interest Housing community are eligible to live in this building: Agriculture, Business, SEMO Start-Ups, CyberHawks, Technology Hawks, Honors, and Tomorrow's Teachers. This approval is done by the Office of Residence Life through the special interest housing application portion of the housing contract.
Merick Hall
- Location: South campus
- Hall Type: suite-style, shared bath/shower (cleaned by resident)
- Room Types: double
- Local Dining: Copper Dome, Redhawks Market, Starbucks, Panda Express, and Chick-Fil-A
- Bonus Feature: overlooks Houck Field
Vandiver Hall
- Location: South campus
- Hall Type: suite-style, shared bath/shower (cleaned by resident)
- Room Types: double
- Local Dining: Copper Dome, Redhawks Market, Starbucks, Panda Express, and Chick-Fil-A
- Special Interest Housing Communities located in Vandiver: Gender Inclusive, Military and Veteran, Professional Pilot program, Arts and Media Collective, Future Medical Professionals, Sports Management, Redhawks Social Advocates, and our New Community Exploratory Majors. Approval to be part of this community is done by the Office of Residence Life through the special interest housing application portion of the housing contract.
Group Housing
- Location: north campus near Towers Complex
- Hall Type: community, floor shares bath/shower rooms
- Room Types: singles
- Local Dining: Towers Landing and Rowdy's
- Resident Requirement: Only verified active members of chapters residing in Greek/Group Housing are eligible
Greek Village
- Location: North campus near Show Me Center
- Hall Type: community house
- Room Types: singles, doubles, and triples
- Local Dining: Towers Landing and Rowdy's
- Resident Requirement: active member of a chapter residing in Greek village plus additional criteria
2025/2026 Residence Hall Rates
Towers East and South Doubles (Community Style) | $3225 | $6450 |
$4075 | $8150 |
LaFerla and Vandiver Doubles (Suite Style) | $4150 | $8300 |
Dobbins River Campus Center Doubles (Visual and Performing Arts Special Interest Only) |
$4275 | $8550 |
Towers North and West Premium Doubles (Private Bathroom) | $4500 | $9000 |
Residence Hall Association
If you’re a SEMO student living on campus, then you’re a Residence Hall Association (RHA) member. As a resident, RHA addresses your housing concerns and develops events and programs to boost your nest engagement. Learn how you can get involved.
While you’re here, you won’t be stuck eating mac and cheese (unless that’s what you want). Find tons of dining across campus including options that cater to your dietary needs, so you won’t have to sacrifice quality or nutrition for convenience. Plus, you’ll dine with a clear conscience—learn about our sustainability efforts and eco-friendly packaging. Explore our dining options and select the meal plan that’s right for you.
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