Scully 405D
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 5700
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701


Beaujean, A. A., & Guiling, S. F. (2006). The Lynn-Flynn Effect and school psychology: A call for research. The School Psychologist, 60, 17-20. 

Wells-Parker, E., Ceminsky, J., Hallberg, V., Snow, R. W., Dunaway, G., Guiling, S., Williams, M., & Anderson, B. (2002). An exploratory study of the relationship between road rage and crash experience in a representative sample of US drivers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 34(3), 271-278.

Overbey, G. A. U., & Guiling, S. F. (1999). Student perceptions of plagiarism and the evaluation of assignments. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching, 10(3), 3-22.


PhD, School Psychology, University of Missouri-Columbia
MS, Psychology (clinical emphasis), Mississippi State University
BS, Psychology, Southeast Missouri State University


PY101 Introduction to Psychology
PY120 Psychological Development of the Child
PY230 Ethics and Diversity in Psychology
PY250 Applied Psychology
PY440 Psychopathology
PY444 Childhood Psychopathology
PY495 Field Experience in Psychology
PY555 Health Psychology


How resilience, self-esteem, and mental health impact sense of belonging; Engagement in the classroom and classroom environment factors; Faculty-student rapport building; Impact of psychological disorders


Psychotherapy and Psychological Assessments


Zlokovich, M. S., Guiling, S., & Lunn, S. (2014, May 22-25). College student study habits and retention to graduation: A 20-year longitudinal study [Poster session]. Twenty-sixth annual meeting of the Association of Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA, United States.

Wolf, N. R., & Guiling, S. F. (2014, May 1-3). Initial construction of an instrument designed to identify limerence in individuals [Poster session]. Eighty-sixth annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, United States.

Brooks, D. R., & Guiling, S. F. (2014, May 1-3). Personal choice in classroom seating, perceptions of classroom environment, and expected academic outcomes [Poster session]. Eighty-sixth annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, United States.

Wright, D. M., & Guiling, S. F. (2004, October). Issues of transition and adjustment: Tending to the affective needs of college students [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the Missouri Learning Disabilities Association, Osage Beach, MO, United States.

Knoop, A. J., & Guiling, S. F. (2004, October). Learning (dis)abilities [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the Missouri Learning Disabilities Association, Osage Beach, MO, United States.

Short, R. J., Roper, J., Fleming, P. R., Guiling, S. F., & Warner, L. S. (2002, April). Engagement and academic outcomes in American Indian children [Poster session]. One hundred and tenth annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, United States.

Wolfmeyer, M. A., Knoop, A. J., & Guiling, S. F. (2002, February). Specific learner characteristics of university students with math difficulties [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL, United States.

Wells-Parker, E., Guiling, S. F., Ceminsky, J. L. (2000, March). Validation of risk reduction instruments for drink/drive offenders: The AUDIT [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Peugh, J., Ceminsky, J., Guiling, S., & Wells-Parker, E. (2000, March 9-12). Predicting DUI recidivism using psychometric tests and personal history data [Paper presentation]. Biennial conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA, United States.