Continue to main contentThe best way to learn is in the field. Internships provide students with experience and real-world knowledge.
Internships prepare students for their occupation. Students of the Department of Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences will earn much desired experience through internships with hands-on learning in the real world.
The following majors must complete an internship as part of the final degree requirements:
- Health Management: Exercise Science
- Recreation and Park Administration
- Sport Management
Health Management Internship Manual
Dr. Jason Wagganer
(573) 651-2664
Recreation and Park Administration Internship Manual
Dr. Tom Holman
(573) 651-2462
(573) 651-2470
Sport Management Internship Manual
For Graduate Internship Instructions, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator.
Dr. Francis Tayie
(573) 651-2890
Assistant Professor & Program Director of Athletic Training, Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701