The best way to learn is in the field. Internships provide students with experience and real-world knowledge.

Internships prepare students for their occupation. Students of the Department of Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences will earn much desired experience through internships with hands-on learning in the real world. 


The following majors must complete an internship as part of the final degree requirements:  

  • Health Management: Exercise Science  
  • Recreation and Park Administration  
  • Sport Management  

Health Management Internship Manual

Dr. Jason Wagganer  
(573) 651-2664  

HL261 Practicum Manual

Recreation and Park Administration Internship Manual

Dr. Tom Holman  
(573) 651-2462  

RC288 Practicum Manual

Dr. Myungwoo Lee
(573) 651-2470

SM370 Practicum Manual

Sport Management Internship Manual

For Graduate Internship Instructions, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator.  

Dr. Francis Tayie  
(573) 651-2890 

Assistant Professor & Program Director of Athletic Training, Allied Health, Kinesiology, and Sport Sciences

"Take advantage of all opportunities to learn and better yourself no matter how insignificant they may seem at the time. Take a chance and try something new such as a Short Term Study Abroad experience. It is one of the best experiences you can have as a student."

Kyle Schneider, Ed.D., ATC

Kyle Schneider smiles for the camera.
Office Location
Parker Hall 216
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 7650
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701