Marketing Courses
Continue to main contentThe Department of Marketing's tentative course rotation schedule (subject to change). Discover the courses available to better help you in planning your semester by semester schedules. Refer to the current undergraduate bulletin and graduate bulletin for course descriptions and prerequisites. Many courses have prerequisites that must be completed prior to the start of the next course, most with a grade of 'C' or better.
Course Rotation
Business Administration (BA)
Course | Fall | Spring | Summer* |
BA101 The Business Universe | F/W | F/W | |
BA252 Business Communication | F/W | F/W | W |
BA400 Applied Ethical Leadership | F/W | F/W | W |
BA452 Professionalism | F/W | F/W | W |
BA473 Business Internship (1‐12 hrs ) | X | X | X |
BA651 Strategic Marketing (Graduate Level) | F | W | |
BA658 Business Internship (Graduate Level) | X | X | X |
BA667 Liability Risks in Products & Services (Graduate Level) | W |
Business Law (BL)
Course | Fall | Spring | Summer* |
BL255 Business Law | F/W | F/W | |
BL455 Contracts | F | ||
BL560 International Business Law | W | ||
BL563 Legal and Ethical Issues in Accounting | W | ||
BL573 Internship in Business Law | X | X | X |
Fashion (FA)
Course | Fall | Spring | Summer* |
FA104 Beyond Project Runway | F | ||
FA114 Visual Merchandising | F | ||
FA310 Fashion Forecasting | W | ||
FA315 Retail Buying | F | ||
FA350 Apparel Aesthetics | F | ||
FA450 Global Fashion Economics | F | ||
FA530 Fashion Industry Internship | X | X | X |
Marketing (MK)
Course | Fall | Spring | Summer* |
MK301 Principles of Marketing | F/W | F/W | W |
MK341 Public Relations | F | F | |
MK342 Professional Selling | F | F | |
MK343 Integrated Marketing Communications | F/W | W | W |
MK344 Consumer Behavior | F | W | W |
MK345 Intro to Business Research | F | F | |
MK346 Distribution Management | W | ||
MK348 Brand Marketing | F | W | |
MK349 Retail Marketing | F | ||
MK351 Sports Marketing | F | ||
MK442 Advanced Selling | F | ||
MK443 IMC Practicum | F | ||
MK449 Marketing Management | F | ||
MK471‐473 Marketing Internship | X | X | X |
MK547 Sales Management | F | ||
MK555 Internet Marketing | W | W | |
MK560 International Marketing | F | W | |
MK586 Customer Metrics and Data-Driven Marketing | F | W |
Quantitative Methods (QM)
Course | Fall | Spring | Summer* |
QM257 Business Statistics I | F/W | F/W | |
QM258 Business Statistics II | F/W | F/W | |
QM352 Quantitative Analysis | F/W | F/W | |
QM358 Operations Management | W | W | |
QM558 Principles of Supply Chain Management (cross-listed with EG410) | W |
F = Face-to-face class
W = Web course/Online class
X = Arranged with instructor
N/A = Not available
*Summer courses are not guaranteed to be offered. Check the summer schedule when available
Wait Lists
Instructions for enrolling yourself on a Wait List are located on the Registrar's Instructions and Worksheet for Enrolling via Web Registration.
Department of Marketing Wait List Information
If you have extenuating circumstances putting you in need of top priority to get into a wait-listed class, please email from your Southeast email address with the following information:
First and last name
S0 number
Course Number, Section, and CRN
Planned Graduation semester and year
Major and minor
Detailed explanation of why you need the class now
If you are on any waitlist, check your email daily or you may miss your chance to enroll yourself in a class when a seat has become available.
If you receive an email offering you a seat from the wait list and do not enroll during the 48-hour timeframe (from the time an automated email is sent including weekends and holidays), the system drops you from the waitlist, and the seat is offered to the next student. You may re-enroll on the wait list if you want.
Due to a high demand on wait lists, we do not provide updates by phone or email. You can see enrollment and waitlist numbers on the 'Look up Classes' section in the Portal.
The Department of Marketing regularly monitors its wait lists and makes adjustments to course enrollments when possible. Regular monitories do not begin until after priority registration is completed.
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701