Art & Design Creative Spaces
Continue to main contentExpand your creative boundaries: you’ll do that here.
A Campus Dedicated to the Arts
The Southeast River Campus is the only campus community in Missouri dedicated solely to art, dance, music, and theatre. Learn more about where you can live, learn, and create on the banks of the Mississippi River.
Studio Spaces
Whether you specialize in sculpture, ceramics, fibers, interior design, painting, printmaking, or drawing we have dedicated spaces designed to unlock your creativity.
Gallery Spaces
Art and Design has many gallery spaces where both visiting artists and student work is showcased. If you are interested in exploring what the current exhibit is or what the upcoming exhibitions are, please check out our schedule.
Gateway to the arts
Southeast has expanded its River Campus with a new art complex to house its ceramics, sculpture, and painting programs, creating a “gateway to the arts” in downtown Cape Girardeau. The facility also houses a shared plaster room, a “clean” classroom where 3D printers and a variety of technology is available for students to view mock-ups and model work, and a student gallery. Also included is an outdoor patio space where students can work on large ceramics and outdoor sculpture pieces.
Art & Design Creative Spaces
Studio Access After Hours
Students need a key card to be in the facility after hours. If a student has purchased a key card for the semester, they have the right to be in the facility 24/7, including holidays during the semester. Rooms without keycard access are monitored by other means. You will need to check when these classrooms are available. Be sure to carry your Southeast I.D. everywhere on campus.
Doors are not to be propped open. Propping doors gives access to people we don't want in your workspace and who could pose a threat to your safety. Have your friend call your cell phone to let them in. Do not work alone late at night or in a room in which equipment could pose a safety issue. It is acceptable to bring a friend, be sure they also have something to do, thus creating less distraction to your work.
Building Schedule:
Academic Year
- Routine Weekday: Monday-Friday except holidays and breaks -- 7 a.m. unlock; 10 p.m. lock:
CAC: atrium west & east; patio; loading dock; lower-level near elevator.
RCS: main entrance north & south; east wing all doors except the brick stair and the north exit; graphic design corridor. - Routine Weekend: Saturday-Sunday except holidays and breaks -- 1 p.m. unlock; 4 p.m. lock.
CAC: atrium west & east; patio. On weekends when the Museum is not open, nothing will be unlocked.
RCS: no doors unlocked on weekends. - Holiday Weekends: Nothing will be unlocked on all three days of a holiday weekend.
- Isolated single-day holidays: (Tuesday-Thursday) Nothing will be unlocked.
- Extended Holidays: Nothing will be unlocked on any day the University is officially closed.
- Breaks: When the University is on an 8 a.m.-4 p.m. schedule, everything will be locked at 5 p.m. (instead of 10 p.m.).
- Some rooms may require the supervision of a student monitor. Some areas require a key card, and/or a key to enter. See your faculty for details.
- Graphic Design and Digital Art Computer Lab RCS002: (has restricted access) Schedule of course usage of lab and monitor supervision is posted outside the lab. Students in classes that are held in the lab for the semester have access and are required to sign in upon entering to use computers during open lab times. Any others see Professor Bodenheimer for permission. This allows us to monitor the space and to effectively assign student monitors.
A Word About Safety
- Be mindful of your surroundings when working in the studios during after-hours. DPS phone is (573) 651-2215 - put this number in your phone!
- Pay attention to inclement weather and alerts for your safety and follow procedures accordingly. For example, during tornado warnings, you will be asked to move to a safe location immediately and to stay there until further notice.
- Keep your possessions secured while you are working in the studio or if you step out for a moment; there are times when items can disappear or can accompany an opportunist if given the right conditions.
- It is important to have a buddy when going to any studio after hours. Avoid going to and from studios alone. Contact DPS for an escort.
- Have a light or an alarm on your cell phone handy as this can be a deterrent.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701