Minors are a secondary area of academic focus.

This can be helpful if you have several areas you'd like to study but don't want to double major. A minor can complement your main course of study by enhancing the value of your major, helping you to find an area of specialization within your major. Or, your minor can just be something you really enjoy and want to know more about. Some degrees require a minor.

Sustainability studies curriculum provides knowledge about data structures and computer organization. You’ll complete a minimum of 21 credit hours.

Sustainability Minor Requirements - 21 hours

Required Courses:

  • BS105 Environmental Biology (3)
  • PL429 Environmental Ethics (3)

Choose 3 hours

  • AG201 World Food and Society (3)
  • EC101 Economic Problems and Policies (3)
  • EC215 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
  • MN220 Engineering Economic Analysis (3)

Choose 6 hours from:

  • AG433 Agriculture and Food Policy (3)
  • AO327 Sustainable Agriculture (3)
  • BI435 Conservation Biology (3)
  • BI440 Ecology and Management of Wetlands (3)
  • DS104 Exploring Interior Design (3)
  • EC/EV344 Environmental Economics (3)
  • HO355 Interior Plantscaping (3)

Choose 6 hours from:

  • AG436 Agricultural Ethics (3)
  • EV360 Recycling and Waste Management (3)
  • EV386 Environmental Health (3)
  • EV387 Environ Law and Public Policy (3)
  • UI344 Plants and Humanity (3)
  • UI347 Living in a Global Society (3)

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Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701