With a school psychological examiner certificate, you’ll be trained to interview and evaluate students to determine eligibility for special education services, placement, or guidance.

A graduate certificate can open the doors to advancement in your field by giving you a new or advanced skill set. Some certificates can even cover continuing education requirements for certain fields.

A psychological examiner assesses and diagnoses behavioral, developmental and educational issues. With a school psychological examiner certificate you'll be better prepared to make an impact on your students and serve your school. You’ll gain knowledge and skills for the administration of assessments, interpretation of the results, and creation of assessment reports.

 What You'll Do

  • Explore developmental theories and their application in counseling.
  • Master assessment techniques, includding intelligence and behavioral testing. 
  • Learn psychodiagnostics and effective treatment planning.
  • Gain expertise in educational processes and assessment technologies. 
  • Build practical experience with practicums and behavioral statistics. 

College of Education, Health and Human Studies

This degree is housed within the College of Education, Health and Human Studies. The college boasts programs that train students in mind, body, and soul. So, whether you want to teach, to care, to support, or to fix, we have a program to get you there.

What You'll Study

Wondering how to become a school psychological examiner? The certificate in this graduate program trains students to be multi-culturally competent, practice ethically, and advocate for their students and the profession.

  • CP611 Developmental Theories (3)
  • CP617 Assessment in Counseling (3)
  • CP643 Psychodiagnostics & Treatment (3)
  • CP733 Adv Educational Processes (3)
  • CP735 Intelligence Testing (3)
  • CP739 Testing Practicum (3)
  • EX601 Educ Assessment Tech (3)
  • PY571 Intro to Behavioral Stats (3)

First Year 

Fall Semester (9 Hours) 

  • EX 601-Educational Assessment Techniques (3, Online)
  • CP 735-Intelligence Testing (3, Face to Face)

Spring Semester (12 Hours) 

  • CP 739-Testing Practicum (3, Face to Face)
  • CP 643-Psychodiagnositics and Treatment (3, Weekend)

Summer Semester (9 Hours) 

  • CP 617-Assessment in Counseling (3, Online)
  • CP 611-Developmental Theories (3, Online)

Second Year 

Fall Semester (12 Hours) 

  • PY 571-Introduction to Behavioral Statistics (3, See Dept.)
  • CP 733-Advanced Educational Processes (3, Blended)

Accreditations and Verifications

  • CACREP (Counseling and Related Educational Programs)
  • Association for Behavior Analysis International

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Scully 404
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 5700
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701