Minors are a secondary area of academic focus.

Wondering if you can minor in communciations? The answer is yes! This can be helpful if you have several areas you’d like to study but don’t want to do a double major. A mass comm minor can complement your main course of study by enhancing the value of your major, helping you to find an area of specialization within your major. Or, your minor can just be something you really enjoy and want to know more about. Some degrees require a minor.


The Mass Communication minor curriculum provides knowledge and skills that have immediate practical application and are in high demand across a wide variety of careers and professions. You’ll complete a minimum of 18 credit hours.

Mass Communication Minor (18 hours) 

Required Course:

  • MC 101 Media and Society (3)
  • MC 401 Media Law (3)
  • Choose 12 Hours of MC Courses. (All prerequisites must be met for these electives.)

(A grade of ‘C’ or higher is required for each course within the minor.)

NOTE: Students taking classes within the Department of Mass Media that are at the 300-level and above will be required to have a laptop computer and appropriate software for use in the classroom during class time.

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