The Horizon Club is the planned giving recognition society through which the Southeast Missouri University Foundation recognizes those donors who have chosen to benefit the University through their will, living trust, charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder or lead trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, or any other planned gift.

These gifts are the result of careful planning involving the family's attorney, trust officer, insurance underwriter, accountant, and/or financial planner. Planned gifts are crucial for the long-term financial well-being of the Foundation and, ultimately, Southeast Missouri State University.

Members of the Horizon Club are honored each year at the annual President’s Council Dinner, as well as in the annual Honor Roll of Donors.

To qualify for the Horizon Club, individuals should complete a Confidential Membership Form provided by the Foundation office and may wish to include the following documentation for verification purposes:

  • Those naming the Foundation as a beneficiary through their will or living trust should either:
    1) submit a copy of the first page of the document, the page mentioning the Foundation as a beneficiary, and the signature page; or 2) submit an official letter from the attorney-of-record verifying that the Foundation has been named in their estate planning documents, or 3) submit some form of written communication indicating the Foundation is named in their will or living trust.
  • Those naming the Foundation as owner and beneficiary of an insurance policy should submit the contract to the Foundation.
  • Those naming the Foundation as the beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy should submit a copy of the beneficiary designation form.
  • Those naming the Foundation as a beneficiary or remainderman in a charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, or charitable lead trust should submit the document to the Foundation.

If preferred, individuals may become members of the Horizon Club and remain anonymous.  All information will be kept in the strictest confidence according to the desires of the donor. 


Members will have the satisfaction of knowing that their gift is advancing the educational mission of Southeast Missouri State University.  Income tax, estate tax, and gift tax implications play a role in structuring planned gifts.  Tax code and philanthropic considerations make giving through a medium such as one of the planned giving strategies an attractive way to support the Foundation and the University. 

In addition, members will receive:

  • Invitations to Horizon Club and Copper Dome Society events, as well as other Foundation activities;
  • Recognition in the Hall of Honor and the Southeast Missouri University Foundation Annual Report; and
  • A lapel pin specially designed for Horizon Club members.

For More Information

The Foundation staff is always available to consult with anyone interested in finding out how charitable giving can be integrated into his or her estate plan.  Please contact the Foundation at 573-651-2332 or

Wehking Alumni Center
926 Broadway
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Mailing Address
One University Plaza, MS 7300
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701