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SECTION 107 NO. 01
Date Enacted: 2/6/84
SUBJECT: Student Organization Board
- Thoseorganizations which receive funding from Student Government shall make public upon request records of the following: accounting, ledgers, receipts, billings, invoices, minutes, by-laws, and constitutions.
SECTION 107 NO. 02
Date Enacted: 2/6/84
SUBJECT: Student Organization Records
- Inaccordance with the decisions of the United States Supreme Court in the case of NAACP v. Alabama, and with the Student Constitution of Southeast Missouri State University ArticleI,Section 3, student organizations shall not be required to release the names, addresses, phone numbers, or social security numbers of its general members to anyone but the Student Government Advisor. The term student organization in this context shall exclude Student Government. This shall not apply to the executive officers serving as “contacts” for the organization, nor shall it include advisors.
SECTION 107 NO. 03
Last Amended: 04/01/2013
SUBJECT: Student Government Records
- A complete record of Student Government by-laws and resolutions shall be made available for public view and inspection.
- These records shall be maintained in two parts:
- A master copy to be maintained at the executive level and monitored by the Student Government administrative assistant;
- A Senate copy to be maintained at the Student Government office.
- Each copy will be separated into a by-law and resolution section so as to aid in accessibility and clarity of Legislative action.
SECTION 202 NO. 03
Last Amended: April 21, 2014
SUBJECT: Proposed By-Law Format
- The format for a proposed by-law being brought to the floor of the Student Senate shall consist of these elements in the following order:
- The sponsoring Committee name or the names of the two sponsoring voting members of Student Government;
- The subject of the proposed by-law;
- (OPTIONAL) The number(s) of the by-law(s) that the proposed by-law would rescind if passed;
- Line enumeration:
- A vertical enumeration of the by-law’s lines shall be located in the left-hand margin;
- This vertical enumeration shall be called “Line Numbers”.
- Definition of the terms used in the proposed by-law:
- A separate section of the proposed by-law shall be marked by a horizontal line and entitled “Definition of Terms”.
- This shall be followed by the listing of certain terms which could be found ambiguous by the Senate and a concise definition provided by the by-law’s authoring committee.
- Purpose(s) of the proposed by-law:
- A separate section of the proposed by-law shall be marked by a horizontal line and entitled “Purpose(s) of the proposed by-law”;
- This shall be followed by sentences, each sentence listed describing one purpose of the proposed by-law.
- Inaction of the proposed by-law:
- A separate section of the proposed by-law shall be marked by a horizontal line and a heading reading “BE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY AS FOLLOWS:”;
- This section can be used to attach to the proposed by-law pertinent research (survey results, a copy of the legislation the proposed by-law would rescind if passed, a summary of the background for the proposed by-law provided by the sponsoring committee) that would be useful to the Senate in its decision-making process.
SECTION 301 NO. 01
Last Amended: 02/03/2020
SUBJECT:Student Government Treasurer
- Qualifications:
- Be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Cannot hold a Senate or Judicial Board position once installed as Treasurer;
- Must be duly elected by the Student Body.
- The Treasurer’s duties and responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following:
- Chief financial officer of Student Government;
- Oversees Finance Committee and presides over Funding Board as the chairperson;
- Advisor to President and Senate on all fiscal matters;
- If the office of Treasurer is vacated, then the President shall appoint a replacement, with the majority vote of the Senate, for the remainder of the term;
- Maintains a minimum of three posted office hours each week;
- To provide a detailed report upon the denial of a Funding Board request; and upon request in any other situation by a member of Senate requesting a point of information;
- A detailed report is defined as a report including the purpose of the request (in regards to the organization requesting funding), the way in which money is allocated, and in the case that the request for funding is denied, provide by-law citation in support of such denial.
- To oversee Funding Board as outlined in By-Law 409.03.03.
- To oversee Finance Committee as outlined in By-Law 306 No. 10.
- Serve as a student representative to the Funding for Results University Committee;
- The Treasurer will attend all Executive Committee meetings with the allowance of three absences per academic year;
- Review and recommend changes to the funding by-laws at least once each semester;
- Serve as a part of Funding Board and make recommendations for the allocation of Student Organization Account dollars;
- Submit recommendations made by the Funding Board to the Senate for consideration.
- To create and chair one ad-hoc committee for the duration of the term.
- The ad-hoc committee should begin meeting by the last Senate meeting in October.
- The focus of the committee will be of the Treasurer’s choosing
- The topic may be suggested by the Special Projects, Student Issues, or University Affairs committee chair.
- The Student Government President shall help the development of the committee’s focus as requested by the Treasurer.
SECTION 301 NO. 03
Last Amended: 12/3/2018
SUBJECT: Vice-Presidential Duties
- Qualifications:
- Be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Cannot hold a Senate or Judicial Board position once installed as Vice-President;
- Must be duly elected by the Student Body.
- The Vice-President of the Student Body shall be the President of the Senate.
- The President of the Senate shall preside over all regular and special Senate meetings.
- The President of the Senate shall have no vote, unless the Senate vote is equally divided.
- The President of the Senate shall serve as a liaison between the members of the Senate and the Executive Board of Student Government.
- The President of the Senate shall provide Senators with accurate and timely information, including by-laws, when applicable.
- The President of the Senate shall work with the standing legislative committees, in the following capacities:
- To assign the Senators to one of the standing legislative committees, in whatever way is deemed necessary;
- To work with the Elections Committee to coordinate all Student Government elections;
- To provide guidance and support to the Parliamentarian.
- The Vice-President will attend all Executive Committee meetings with the allowance of three absences per academic year.
- Review any postponed by-laws or by-law amendments;
- Any proposed by-law or by-law amendment that is to be brought before the Senate shall be postponed for one week in order to allow the Vice President to review them for conflicts with the Student Constitution or existing by-laws.
- If the bylaw revision is grammatical or lexical and does not change the merit of the bylaw, then the Vice President and the Parliamentarian can edit the bylaw without the need of Senate’s approval. They shall notify senate when changes have been made at the next available senate meeting.
- The Vice-President of the Student Body shall act on behalf of the President of the Student Body in his or her absence, including attending meetings of the University Administrative Council.
- The Vice-President of the Student Body shall establish and maintain three office hours per week, to be completed in the Student Organizations office. This time shall be used to conduct all Student Government business deemed necessary. These hours shall be documented by the Vice-President and verified by the Student Organizations Secretary.
SECTION 301 NO. 04
Last Amended: 04/22/2019
SUBJECT: Presidential Duties
- Qualifications:
- Be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Cannot hold a Senate or Judicial Board position once installed as President;
- Cannot be a Executive Member of the Student Activities Council once installed as President;
- Must be duly elected by the Student Body.
- Guidelines of Presidential duties shall include, but may not be limited to the following:
- As Chief Executive Officer of Student Government, the President shall serve as the Chair of the Executive Committee;
- The Chief Executive Officer of Student Government makes appointments to the positions of Secretary, Assistants to the President, Chairs of each of the four University Standing Committees and Student Representative to Faculty Senate;
- The Chief Executive Officer of Student Government reports the activities of these representatives to the Student Senate when the respective representatives are unable to do so;
- The Chief Executive Officer of Student Government attends Administrative Council meetings or finds a representative to attend in his/her place;
- The Chief Executive Officer of Student Government maintains a working relationship with the University Administration and the Student Government Advisor;
- The Chief Executive Officer of Student Government shall conduct at least one Presidents’ Council meeting a semester to facilitate communication with other student organizations on campus;
- The Chief Executive Officer of Student Government maintains a minimum of three posted office hours each week.
- If the Chief Executive Officer vacates their position the Vice President shall assume the role and appoint a Vice President if deemed necessary by a majority vote by the Senate.
SECTION 301 NO. 07
Last Amended: 8/25/04
SUBJECT: Student Representative to the Board of Regents
- The Student Government shall, with the advice and majority consent of the Student Government Senate, have the power to submit three students to the Governor of the State of Missouri, of which the Governor will appoint one student to serve on the Southeast Missouri State University Board of Regents, as outlined by State statutes.
- A committee consisting of the Student Government President, Student Government Advisor, and the outgoing Student Regent shall conduct interviews of the applicants before any recommendations are made to the Student Senate or the Governor.
- The Student must currently attend Southeast Missouri State University, be a citizen of the United States, and once appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Missouri Senate will serve a two-year term.
SECTION 301.01 NO. 08
Last Amended: 05/07/2020
SUBJECT: Executive Committee
- Qualifications
- Must be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Cannot hold a Judicial Board position once installed as an Executive Committee member.
- Members
- Members appointed by the Student Government President must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Senate.
- The Executive Committee should be voted on and if approved sworn into office at the final meeting of the spring semester preceding the academic year they will be serving.
- Composition
- The Executive Committee Shall consist of:
- President
- Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Chief of Staff
- Parliamentarian
- Diversity and Inclusion Chair
- University Affairs Committee Chairperson
- Special Projects Committee Chairperson
- Student Issues Committee Chairperson
- The Executive Committee Shall consist of:
- Responsibilities
- The Executive Committee shall meet regularly as agreed upon by the President and Vice-President of Student Government.
- Absences
- Members of the Executive Committee shall miss no more than three absences per academic year.
SECTION 301 NO. 10
Last Amended: 4/15/2019
SUBJECT: Chief of Staff
- Qualifications
- Must be a Student in Good Standing as found in by-law 405.01;
- Cannot hold a Senate or Judicial Board position once installed as the Chief of Staff;
- Shall be appointed by the Student Government President.
- Duties and Responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following:
- Attend all Executive Committee meetings with the allowance of three absences per academic year;
- Attend Executive Committee and Senate meetings.
- Shall assist Senators by providing resources necessary to achieve the goals of the Student Government Association.
- Work collaboratively with Senior Senators by checking on their weekly progress and individual bulletin boards.
- Shall oversee task force leads and provide them with resources to help them fulfill their respective job duties and responsibilities. Will meet with task force leads weekly to discuss progress and report back to executive board;
- Regularly update Student Government bulletin boards located in Dempster and the CSI;
- Plan one service project a semester that engages senators and the overall Southeast community;
- Plan social events that provide meaning and engagement for senators, i.e., (Holidays, End of the Year, etc.,);
- Perform all other tasks for Student Government that the President deems necessary;
SECTION 301 NO. 10.01
Last Amended: 01/27/2020
SUBJECT: Diversity and Inclusion Chair
- Qualifications
- Be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Cannot hold a Senate or Judicial Board position once installed as Diversity and Inclusion Chair.
- Shall be appointed by the Student Government Presidents
- Be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Guidelines of the Diversity and Inclusion Chair shall include but not limited to the following:
- Develop and create policies, procedures and programs to build a fully inclusive, diverse, and equitable learning community .
- Be the liaison between the campus and the President on current diversity issues around campus.
- Appoint and approve members for the Diversity and Inclusion committee, who will assist in creating a more culturally accepting community.
- Assist with campus-wide initiatives related to diversity and creation of welcoming, supportive, and inclusive campus climate.
- To review information and materials that are intended to enhance and celebrate diversity that are being used or discussed in other higher education institutions or in other settings, to determine whether they may have any applicability to Southeast.
- Shall be appointed to the Equity and Inclusion Committee.
SECTION 301 NO. 11
Last Amended: April 11, 2016
Subject: Senator Duties
- Qualifications
- Must be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Cannot hold a Judicial Board position once installed as a Senator;
- Shall be duly elected as specified in by-law 405.01, or in the case of the first-year Senators, properly chosen by the process specified in by-law 404.02.
- Duties and Responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following:
- The Senator will attend Senator training before taking office as provided by the Student Government Vice President.
- The Senator will meet attendance expectations as stated in by-law 412.01;
- The Senator will be a member of one standing committee and meet attendance expectations to that committee as stated in by-law 412.01
- The Senator will attend all college councils of the college represented, if applicable.
- The Senator will attend all Student Government campus events/forums.
- The Senator will actively and accurately portray the concerns of the student body, and more specifically the constituents of the college he/she represents.
- The Senator will have a working knowledge of the current Student Government by-laws.
- The Senator will follow all guidelines set forth by the Student Government Vice President and specific committee chair.
- The Senator must attend at least two Student Government Association funded events per semester to fulfill the duties of a Senator.
SECTION 301 NO. 11-01
Last Amended: 05/04/2020
SUBJECT: Senior Senator
- Qualifications
- Must be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Must be an elected representative of the college they are senior senator of as a senator on Student Government;
- Shall be chosen by fellow college senators within one week of the position vacancy or appointed by the executive board upon failure of college senators to do so.
- Duties and Responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following:
- Serve as a link between the students of their respective college and the dean of the that college by scheduling and attending semi-weekly meetings to discuss college-level issues;
- Work to encourage ongoing conversation between the college senators and the executive board by meeting with the Chief of Staff every two weeks;
- Maintain the designated Student Government bulletin board in the respective college with up-to-date meeting minutes, pictures/contact information of the college’s senators, and other announcements deemed necessary by the Chief of Staff ;
- Work with the Chief of staff to schedule a minimum of two open forums per semester for the students of their respective college to voice ideas and concerns;
- Meet all duties and responsibilities of a Senator as outlined in by-law 301.11;
- Perform any other tasks for Student Government that the President deems necessary.
SECTION 301 NO. 12
Date Enacted: 12/3/2018
SUBJECT: Parliamentarian Duties
- Qualifications
- Must be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01.
- Cannot hold a Senate or Judicial Board position once installed as Parliamentarian;
- Shall be appointed by the Student Government President.
- Duties and Responsibilities:
- Serve as the President Pro-tem in the absence of the President of the Senate;
- When serving as President Pro-tem, the Parliamentarian will not have the ability to vote. If a tie occurs, discussion will continue and another vote will be taken.
- Be versed in Robert’s Rules of Order and have a working knowledge of general legislative procedures.
- Call to the attention of the President of the Senate any errors in parliamentary procedure.
- Chair a standing committee to review the entire Student Government Constitution and by-laws at least once each year and recommend any changes;
- Chair an ad-hoc committee that includes the President of the Senate to review Student Government’s representation structure once each year and recommend any necessary changes;
- Review any postponed by-laws or by-law amendments;Any proposed by-law or by- law amendment that is to be brought before the Senate shall be postponed for one week in order to allow the Parliamentarian time to review them for conflicts with the Student Constitution or existing by-laws.
- A proposed by-law or by-law amendment will not have to be postponed only if both the Parliamentarian and the President of the Senate agree that it does not need to be.
- The Parliamentarian shall not be a voting member of Student Government.
- The Parliamentarian shall attend all Senate meetings with the allowance of three absences per academic year.
- Shall attend all executive committee meetings with an allowance of three absences per year.
- Serve as the President Pro-tem in the absence of the President of the Senate;
SECTION 301 NO. 17
Last Amended: March 28, 2016
Subject: Inventory Manager
- Qualifications
- Must be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Must be a current Funding Board member with preference given to Senators.
- Shall be appointed by the Treasurer.
- Duties and Responsibilities shall include but not be limited to the following:
- Serve as a link between student organizations and the current inventory possessed by the Student Government and maintain timely communication with student organizations.
- Serve a minimum of one posted office hour per week in the Treasurers’ office.
- Keeping a record of the current status of the inventory and providing information and input to the Funding Board.
- Check-out and check-in the inventory items.
- Meet all duties and responsibilities of a Senator as outlined in by-law 301.11;
- Perform any other tasks for Student Government that the Treasurer deems necessary.
SECTION 306 NO. 01
Last Amended: 04/01/2013
SUBJECT: Presidential Appointments
- Appointments
- All appointments made by the Student Government President or President of the Senate shall be reviewed by the Student Senate, and the Student Senate may request that the appointees appear before Senate to answer questions.
- Procedures
- The President or President of the Senate shall provide the Student Senate with all pertinent information regarding the appointments.
- Approval requires a majority vote of Senate.
- Removal of Appointees
- Removal of Senators and Executives
- Any member of the Student Senate or an officer of the Executive Committee may be impeached for sufficient cause by the entire body of the Student Senate. Sufficient cause consists of any one or more of the following: malfeasance of office, violation of duly enacted regulations, gross violation of the Student in Good Standing status as defined in by-law 405.01, or violation of other legislation of Student Government.
- Procedures for Impeachment
- Any elected member of the Student Senate may bring charges of impeachment against any member of the Student Senate or an officer of the Executive Committee. At which time, a vote to impeach shall be conducted. A quorum shall be required for any vote to impeach. A quorum shall consist of one-half (1/2) of the total membership as defined in the Student Government Constitution. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote shall be required for impeachment. The vote shall be by roll-call. The Student Senate shall be a closed chamber for the entire impeachment proceedings including the vote for removal.
- If a member of the Student Senate or an officer of the Executive Committee is impeached, an ad-hoc committee shall be formed with membership from each of the colleges and schools. Each college and school shall elect one Senator to serve on this committee with consideration given to maintaining objectivity. The committee will select a chair from its membership, who shall retain his/ her vote. The Student Government Advisor shall sit on the committee but be granted no vote. The committee shall be granted a week to investigate the charges against him/her before a vote for removal. After a week has elapsed, the Chairperson shall present the Committee’s findings to the Senate. The Chairperson shall be granted no more than ten (10) minutes to explain the conclusion drawn by the Committee based upon their findings. The individual under consideration for removal shall be granted no more than ten (10) minutes to explain his/her position and reasons for the behavior in question. After both sides address the Student Senate, there shall be no more than twenty (20) minutes granted for questions of both individuals. Deliberation by the Student Senate shall last no more than one (1) hour, after which time a vote must be taken. The vote shall be by roll-call.
- The Chief Justice of the All-University Judicial Board shall preside over all impeachment proceedings. If he/she is unable to fulfill this duty, a replacement shall be chosen by a majority vote of the Student Senate from the All University Judicial Board.
- The vote to remove shall occur one (1) week after the vote to impeach. A three-fourths (3/4) majority shall be required for the removal of the Senator or the officer of the Executive Committee. Quorum shall be required as defined in the Student Government Constitution.
- Once removed from office, the Senator or the officer of the Executive Committee shall be banned from holding any position in Student Government including Student Senate and Judicial Board.
- Removal of Justices
- Any member of the Judicial Board may be impeached for sufficient cause by the entire body of the Judicial Board. Sufficient cause consists of any one or more of the following: malfeasance of office, violation of duly enacted regulations, gross violation of the Student in Good Standing status as defined in by-law 405.01, or violation of other legislation of Student Government.
- Procedures for Impeachment
- Any elected member of the Judicial Board or any elected member of the Student Senate may bring charges of impeachment against any member of the Judicial Board. At which time, a vote to impeach shall be conducted. A quorum shall be required for any vote to impeach. A quorum shall consist of one-half (1/2) of the total membership as defined in the Student Government Constitution. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote shall be required for impeachment.
- If a Justice is impeached, a Student Government ad-hoc committee shall be formed with membership from each of the colleges and schools. Each college and school shall elect one Senator to serve on this committee with consideration given to maintaining objectivity. The committee will select a chair from its membership, who shall retain his/her vote. The Student Government Advisor shall sit on the committee but be granted no vote. The Committee shall be granted a week to investigate the charges against him/her before a vote for removal. After a week has elapsed, the Chairperson shall present the Committee’s findings to the Judicial Board. The Chairperson shall be granted no more than ten (10) minutes to explain the conclusion drawn by the Committee based upon their findings. The individual under consideration for removal shall be granted no more than ten (10) minutes to explain his/her position and reasons for the behavior in question. After both sides address the Judicial Board, there shall be no more than twenty (20) minutes granted for questions of both individuals. Deliberation by the Judicial Board shall last no more than one (1) hour, after which time a vote must be taken.
- The Vice-President of the Student Senate shall preside over all impeachment proceedings. If he/she is unable to fulfill this duty, a replacement shall be chosen by a majority vote of the Judicial Board from the Executive Committee of the Student Senate.
- The vote to remove shall occur one (1) week after the vote to impeach. A three-fourths (3/4) majority shall be required for the removal of the Justice. Quorum shall be required as defined in the Student Government Constitution.
- Once removed from office, the Justice shall be banned from holding any position in Student Government including Student Senate and Judicial Board.
- Removal of Senators and Executives
- The passage of this by-law shall rescind by-laws 306.01, 306.04, and 306.06.
SECTION 306 NO. 02
Last Amended: 4/09/12
SUBJECT: Student Government Secretary
- Qualifications
- Be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Cannot hold a Senate or Judicial Board position once installed as Student Government Secretary;
- Must be appointed by the Student Government President;
- Must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Senate.
- Student Government Secretary Duties and Responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to the following:
- Record, type, and file minutes of Executive Committee and Senate meetings;
- Keeps records of absentees and roll-call votes;
- Notify the President of the Senate of those Senators who are excessively absent;
- The Secretary will attend all Executive Committee meetings with the allowance of three absences per academic year.
- Attend the University Planning Committee meetings and any other committee meetings that the President deems important;
- Advise the President in appointing students to the University Standing Committees;
- Create and update a current database of all students’ name, their respective committee, phone, address, email address, major/minor, how many years they have attended Southeast, number of hours completed, and any other necessary information. The database must be presented within a week upon a formal or informal request of any member of Student Government. The database must be updated at least every six (6) weeks so that Student Government can be certain that students are attending their respective University Standing Committees, and the Chairs of such committees are contacting and involving the students;
- Carry out the actions of advertising and accepting applications of University Standing Committees as outlined in by-law 306.01;
- Attend Executing Committee and Senate meetings to help address issues relating to any University Standing Committees and relate those issues to the student appointed to the respected University Committee;
- Ensure that students are attending their respective University Standing Committees and the Chairs of such committees are contacting and involving the students;
- Hear and consider semester reports from Student Representatives on University Committees;
- Give a weekly report to the Senate of actions taken in University Committees based upon the reports by the student representative of those Committees.
- Be responsible for updating and maintaining the Student Government website with minutes and any other pertinent information.
Section 306 NO. 07
Last Amended: 05/07/2020
SUBJECT: Standing Committees
- The Student Senate shall be structured around seven standing committees. The standing committees shall be as follow:
- University Affairs Committee
- Student Issues Committee
- Special Projects Committee
- Finance Committee
- By-Law Revision Committee
- Diversity and Inclusion Committee
- Public Relations Committee
- Chairperson
- Each committee will be headed by a chairperson. The chairperson nominees shall meet the qualifications of a student in good standing as defined by by-law 405.01. Upon approval by the Senate they will assume their position immediately; each chairperson's term will last for one year or until the end of the academic year.
- Committee chairpersons may be impeached through the same process delineated for the removal of Student Government Executives. The Student Government President will appointed replacements for removed committee chairs.
- Duties
- The Chairpersonshall be responsible for deciding what projects and initiatives are taken on by the committee.
- The Chairperson shall give a weekly report on the actions of the committee.
- The Chairperson shall attend biweekly Executive Committee meeting unless instructed otherwise by Chief of Staff.
- The Chairperson will follow all guidelines set forth by the Student Government President and Student Government Chief of Staff.
- Shall have a vote on the Executive Committee, but not the Student Senate.
- Members of each committee will be approved by the President of the Senate, who shall distribute the Senators as deemed necessary based on personal interested to each of the committees.
- Members of the Student Government Executive Board do not have a vote on any standing committees, but are permitted to attend meeting.
SECTION 306 NO. 08
Last Amended: 04/15/2019
SUBJECT: University Affairs Committee
- Qualifications:
- Must be a member of Student Government.
- Purpose:
- University Affairs will primarily serve as a bridge between student opinions and University-wide issues. The committee will be utilized to offer opinions on administrative matters brought forth by specific standing committees, as well as cultivating original discussion items that committee members see as pressing issues at Southeast.
- Duties and Responsibilities:
- Make recommendations on University policies and budgets;
- Prepare recommendations to the Senate on advocacy items for the budget review process;
- Review and recommend any necessary changes to the Student Code of Conduct and the Judicial Procedures at least once each year;
- Consider and make recommendations on any General Fee changes;
- Make recommendations on the implementation of Faculty Evaluations and review the current procedure (if any) for effectiveness and fairness at least once each year;
- Make recommendations on the implementation of Food Service Evaluations and review the current procedure (if any) for effectiveness and fairness at least once each year.
- Shall preside over the Dr. R. Ferrell Ervin Excellence in Teaching Award Selection Committee as Committee Chair. See By-law 413 No. 01.
- Member does not have a vote in Senate meeting, but does have a vote during Executive Committee Meetings.
- University Affairs Committee Chairperson
- The Chairperson shall give a weekly report on the actions of the University Affairs Committee.
- The Chairperson shall attend all Executive Committee meetings with the allowance of three absences per academic year.
- The Chairperson is to serve as the co-chairperson for the Dining Services Advisory Committee.
SECTION 306 NO. 10
Last Amended: 04/17/2017
SUBJECT: Finance Committee
- Qualifications and Membership:
- Must be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01.
- Voting members of Finance Committee shall consist of the existing Funding Board, plus no more than five (5) additional members of Student Government (Senate or Executive Board), appointed by the Chairperson.
- The Student Government Accountant shall be present at committee meetings, but shall have no vote.
- Duties and Responsibilities:
- Review the finances and activities of the groups funded under the Executive Account, consisting of the following:
- Student Activities Council
- Homecoming Planning Committee
- W.I.N.G.S. Shuttle
- Club Sports
- Make a recommendation to Senate of a budget amount for each group for the following fiscal year.
- Review the finances and activities of the groups funded under the Executive Account, consisting of the following:
- Finance Committee Chairperson
- Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Student Government Treasurer.
- The Chairperson shall be responsible for the following duties:
- Appointing additional members to the Finance Committee
- Scheduling and holding review meetings with each of the above groups prior to the second-to-last regular Senate meeting of the Spring Semester.
- Leading a presentation to the Senate to explain the committee’s budget recommendations.
- To inform the groups of the Senate decision within seven days of the final Senate vote.
- Responsibilities of the Groups Receiving Funds
- To attend a review meeting with Finance Committee
- The group shall provide documents requested by the Chairperson, which may include but are not limited to: current fiscal year budget, proposed upcoming fiscal year budget, documentation of events and finances, estimated attendance and/or participation at each event.
- The Finance Committee Chairperson also has the right to ask for any documentation covered under By-Law 107 No. 1.
- If given formal notice to schedule a meeting by the Finance Committee Chairperson, a group that fails to schedule or attend a meeting with Finance Committee will forfeit the opportunity to propose changes to their budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
- Finance Committee may recommend that the group receive the same amount of funding as the current fiscal year, or may reduce the amount of funding by an amount not to exceed 20% of the current fiscal year budget.
- To attend a review meeting with Finance Committee
SECTION 306 NO. 11
Last Amended: 4/15/2019
SUBJECT: Student Issues Committee
- Qualifications:
- Must be a member of Student Government.
- Purpose:
- Student Issues will focus on the relationship between students and Student Government—establishing what students view as concerns on the Southeast campus and figuring out how to address said issues.
- Duties and Responsibilities:
- Monitor and improve current Student Government programs and initiatives directly impacting students.
- Student Issues Committee Chairperson
- The Chairperson shall give a weekly report on the actions of the Student Issues Committee.
- The Chairperson shall attend all Executive Committee meetings with the allowance of three absences per academic year.
SECTION 306 NO. 12
Date Enacted: 04/15/2019
SUBJECT: Special Projects Committee
- Qualifications:
- Must be a member of Student Government.
- Purpose:
- The Special Projects Committee will focus on enhancing the student experience at Southeast Missouri State University through projects and initiatives. These projects and initiatives will strive to correct issues students are currently facing and improve upon aspects of the campus that could further create a positive atmosphere for student success.
- Duties and Responsibilities:
- Pursue and follow through with ideas and projects brought to the committee by students, faculty, staff, or other Student Government Committees.
- Be responsible for creating and presenting project proposals to Senate with as detailed information as possible.
- Special Projects Committee Chairperson
- The Chairperson shall be responsible for deciding what projects and initiatives are taken on by the committee.
- The Chairperson shall give a weekly report on the actions of the Special Projects Committee.
- The Chairperson shall attend all Executive Committee meetings with the allowance of three absences per academic year.
- The Chairperson shall provide notification of volunteer opportunities within Southeast Missouri State University and the surrounding community for Senators to participate in.
- The passage of this amendment shall rescind by-law 306.09.
SECTION 401.01 NO. 02
SUBJECT: Honorary Senators
Date Enacted: 4/15/2019
- Honorary Senator Qualifications
- An Honorary Senator must be a person who has shown extraordinary dedication to Southeast Missouri State University Student Government over a period of time. It is the highest honor Student Government may give an individual and should be given sparingly and only to the most deserving candidates.
- The Student Senate must approve a candidate for Honorary Senator by passing a by-law amendment to section III of this by-law that adds the candidate’s name to the list of Honorary Senators. This shall require a three-fourths majority of the voting members of the Senate.
- Rights of an Honorary Senators
- An Honorary Senator shall be considered a non-voting member of the Student Senate. The term of an Honorary Senator shall be for life unless the Honorary Senator resigns or is removed by the same process as other members of Senate.
- An Honorary Senator retains all the rights of a non-voting member of Senate including the right to sit with the Senate at all official Senate functions. The only rights not afforded to an Honorary Senator are the rights associated only with a voting member.
- Honorary Senators
- The following are Southeast Missouri State University Student Government’s Honorary Senators:
- Felix Kinsley - April 17, 2000
- Dr. Kenneth W. Dobbins - April 30, 2007
- Michele Irby - April 23, 2018
- Dr. Jim McGill - April 15, 2019
- Jim Essner - May 7, 2020
- The following are Southeast Missouri State University Student Government’s Honorary Senators:
SECTION 404 NO. 01
Last Amended: 05/04/2020
SUBJECT: Composition of Senate
- The Student Senate shall be composed of thirty-five members. Thirty of those members will be undergraduates duly-elected in the General Election in April, and an additional five members will be recommended by the First Year Student Selection Committee and approved by the Executive Board. Senators must run for office in the college in which their major is housed with an exception being students seeking a degree in secondary education.
- These Senators may run for office in the college in which their major is housed or the College of Education, but not both.
- Only those thirty-five seats will be held to count towards a quorum.
- The thirty-five seats shall be appointed as follows by colleges:
- 6 College of Education, Health, and Human Studies
- 6 College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- 6 College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- 6 Harrison College of Business and Computing
- 6 Holland College of Arts and Media
- 5 reserved for First Year Student Senator
- Any student from the College of an empty seat wishing to fill the vacancy must file a statement of candidacy. After filing, the student will come before the Executive Board and make and oral statement of candidacy. The Senate shall reserve the right to approve the student to the Senate.
- The Graduate Assistant to Student Government will be in charge of collecting the statement of candidacy and scheduling a time for the candidate to appear before the Executive Board.
- Any Senator who changes College/School before Special Elections in any semester must forfeit their position of the Student Senate. These Senators may run for positions in their respective colleges during Special Elections if open positions exist. Any Senators who change College/School after Special Elections may retain their positions until the end of the current semester only. Afterwards, they must follow the procedure outlined above.
- There shall be six non-voting student representatives that sit on Student Government Senate. All representatives shall be elected or appointed directly from their respective groups. They shall consist of:
- 1 Residence Hall Association/National Residence Hall Honorary
- 1 International Students Association
- 1 Student Activities Council
- 1 Student Athlete Advisory Committee
- 1 Student Representative of the Board of Regents
- 1 Regional Campus
SECTION 404 NO. 02
Last Amended: 04/14/2021
SUBJECT: Funding Process for the $1,000 designated to the Colleges
- Each college, including the First Year Senators, are designated $1,000 each school year to put on events for the constituents of their college.
- The process of accessing those funds is as listed:
- Create a proposal of how they are going to use the money
- Present the proposal to the Executive Board
- If the proposal is approved by the Executive Board then the proposal will be presented to Senate
- After presenting the proposal to the Senate the College will be allowed to withdraw the funds.
- This will be the process for each time the college would like to host, sponsor, or partner with another organization to host an event.
- If the proposal is not approved by the Executive Board the college will not be able to use part of their funds for the event.
- The process of accessing those funds is as listed:
- Colleges are allowed to use the $1,000 fund for:
- Colleges are allowed to give prizes in the form of gift cards to the Southeast Bookstore, or Redbucks added to student’s accounts.
- Anything else has to be approved by the Executive Board.
- Colleges are allowed to use different companies to help host events, but they are required to present the information to the Executive Board before they can sign any contracts.
- This should be presented at least 2 weeks before the formal proposal of the event to the Executive Board.
- If approved the college can sign the contract and set up the proposal for the event to be approved by the Executive Board before the event happens.
- Colleges are allowed to use over the $1,000 designated to them, but they must create a resolution for the Senate that will have to be approved before they can use any more funds than what is designated to each college.
- Colleges are allowed to give prizes in the form of gift cards to the Southeast Bookstore, or Redbucks added to student’s accounts.
SECTION 404 NO. 03
Last Amended: April 21, 2014
SUBJECT: First Year Student Senator Selection Committee
- Duties and Responsibilities
- Provide a standardized set of questions to be asked of each candidate;
- Establish a standardized scoring system;
- Interview all prospective candidates;
- Recommend five of the candidates for approval by the Senate.
- Membership
- Membership shall consist of the Student Government Vice President, three Student Senators and the Student Government Advisor or his/her designee.
- The Student Government Advisor or designee shall see that the selection process is conducted in a fair and impartial manner. The Student Government Advisor or designee is not a voting member of the committee.
- The members of the First Year Student Senator Selection Committee shall be the only regular voting members. They shall prepare the standardized questions and shall conduct the interviews.
- Membership shall consist of the Student Government Vice President, three Student Senators and the Student Government Advisor or his/her designee.
SECTION 404 NO. 04
Last Amended: April 21, 2014
SUBJECT: First Year Student Senator
- First Year Student Senator qualifications and procedures
- Qualification of candidates
- A first year student shall be defined as a fee-paying person who is enrolled in at least six semester hours and has not completed two academic semesters.
- All candidates must be in good standing with the University as defined in by-law 405.01.
- Qualification of candidates
- Process
- Filing of a First Year Student Senator candidate
- To be considered for selection as a First Year Student Senator the candidate must submit and sign a statement of candidacy. The earliest the selection committee will accept a statement of candidacy is the first weekday in June; the deadline for submission of statement of candidacy is the first Friday following the second Monday of classes.
- Upon submission of the statement of candidacy the candidate shall be given the First Year Student Senator Application. The form of the First Year Student Senator Application shall read as follows:
- First Year Student Senator Application:
- Name:
- High School:
- High School Activities:
- Significant leadership activities during High School:
- Other activities during High School: College Activities:
- Leadership Activities during College: Other activities involved in during College: Any other significant information:
- Brief statement as to why you wish to serve in the Student Senate:
- Interview
- The First Year Student Senator Selection Committee shall arrange for each candidate to be interviewed by the Committee;
- For each interview, the Student Government Advisor, the Elections Committee Chairperson, and at least three members of the Selection Committee must be present.
- The First Year Student Senator Selection Committee shall prepare a standardized set of questions to be asked of each candidate;
- These questions shall be approved unanimously by the Selection Committee.
- Upon completion of each candidate interview, candidates will be scored by the voting members of the Committee. Each voting member of the Committee shall score the candidates on a scale of zero to fifty. Discussion may occur prior to scoring. Scoring shall be collected by the Chairperson and averaged.
- Upon completion of the interview of all candidates, the scores of all candidates shall be ranked, and the top five scores shall be the Selection Committee’s recommendation for the five First Year Student Senator position.
- The First Year Student Senator Selection Committee shall arrange for each candidate to be interviewed by the Committee;
- Filing of a First Year Student Senator candidate
- Confirmation
- Upon recommendation of the First Year Student Senator Selection Committee, the five candidates shall appear before the Student Senate for confirmation.
- Upon a majority of votes by the Student Senate, the four candidates shall be appointed. The First Year Student Senator shall serve until the first day of May following their appointment.
- Upon rejection of the Selection Committee’s recommendation by the Student Senate, a new First Year Student Senator Selection Committee shall be formed.
- The Student Government President shall appoint a new Chairperson and five Student Senators.
- No member who previously served on the Selection Committee shall be considered for the new Selection Committee.
- The new Selection Committee shall conduct new interviews in accordance with Student Government by-laws.
- Upon recommendation of the First Year Student Senator Selection Committee, the five candidates shall appear before the Student Senate for confirmation.
- Results
- The First Year Student Senator Selection Committee shall submit their results no later than the first Student Senate meeting in October.
- Upon rejection by the Student Senate of the Selection Committee’s recommendations, a new deadline will be selected by the Student Government Vice-President and the new Selection Committee Chairperson.
- The First Year Student Senator Selection Committee shall submit their results no later than the first Student Senate meeting in October.
- Selection Contest
- Not later than five days after announcement of the results by the First Year Student Senator Selection Committee, any candidate or student may challenge the results of the Selection Committee by petitioning the All-University Judicial Board.
- The All-University Judicial Board shall hold an open hearing to evaluate any and all selection changes.
- At the hearing all parties challenging the selection results will be given an opportunity to present evidence/witnesses to support their position.
- The First Year Student Senator Selection Committee must be present to provide information pertaining to the selection process.
- The All-University Judicial Board shall have the authority to order all materials and records relating to the contested selection process brought before it. In addition, the All- University Judicial Board shall have the authority to call witnesses to testify on the integrity of the selection process.
- The All-University Judicial Board shall have the sole authority to determine the legality of the selection process. If the court finds sufficient cause to cast doubt on the selection process, the All-University Judicial Board shall call for a new Selection Committee to be formed and new interviews to be conducted.
- The All-University Judicial Board shall be the final authority in all First Year Student Senator selection process matters and shall have the authority to determine the methods of its proceedings.
- Vacancies
- Any unfilled position that is vacated by resignation or removal shall be filled by the next available First Year Student Senator candidate who scored highest among the other candidates, pending approval of the Student Senate.
- If any of the First Year Student Senator positions is vacant and there are no candidates to fill the position, it shall remain empty until it is filled by the procedure defined in by-law 405.02.
- Any unfilled position that is vacated by resignation or removal shall be filled by the next available First Year Student Senator candidate who scored highest among the other candidates, pending approval of the Student Senate.
SECTION 404 NO. 05
Date Enacted: 11/28/2016
SUBJECT: Student Organization and Committee Announcement Procedure
- Every registered student organization and University Standing Committee has the opportunity to submit weekly announcements regarding programs, updates, policy changes, requests for student feedback solicitation, and or other important information to Student Government so it may appear before Senate.
- An online method will be utilized for this process.
- III. A person in charge of sending out requests for announcements, collecting, and archiving announcements via the survey software will be appointed by the Chief Executive Officer of Student Government.
- All announcement submissions must be shorter than 300 words to be accepted and approved.
- Announcements will be compiled weekly and displayed each Senate meeting to provide timely and relevant organization and committee updates so Senators will have a greater understanding of what is happening within the University at the time of the announcements.
SECTION 404 NO. 06
Date Enacted: 12/05/2016
SUBJECT: Non-Voting Student Representative Duties
- Qualifications
- Must be a Student in Good Standing as defined in by-law 405.01;
- Cannot hold a Judicial Board position once installed as a Non-Voting Representative;
- Shall be duly selected by the organization’s executive officer (i.e. president), and an administrative officer (i.e. secretary or treasurer), approved by the constituents of the organization, and finalized by the Student Government Senate via hand raise vote;
- Duties and Responsibilities
- The Non-Voting Representative will meet at least two Senate meetings a month;
- The Non-Voting Representative will be invited to participate in one standing committee and is encouraged to meet attendance expectations to that committee as stated in by-law 412.01
- The Non-Voting Representative will actively and accurately portray the concerns of the student body and the constituents of the organization they represent in a weekly report.
- The Non-Voting Representative will have a working knowledge of the current Student Government bylaws.
- The Non-Voting Representative will follow all guidelines set forth by the Student Government Vice President and specific committee chair.
- The Non-Voting Representative will have the ability to participate and speak freely during discussion.
SECTION 405 NO. 01
Last Amended: 3/15/2021
SUBJECT: Elections Committee
- Elections Committee
- Duties and Responsibilities
- The Elections Committee’s function is to conduct Student Governments elections in accordance with the provisions of by-laws, ensuring accurate and fair campaigning and electronic voting.
- The Elections Committee has the authority to distribute Campaign Guidelines to all students filing Statements of Candidacy. Furthermore, the Elections Committee has the authority to enforce these guidelines and issue penalties.
- The committee will be responsible for the upkeep of all elections by-laws by making changes or revisions as needed.
- The committee shall be responsible for organizing a debate between presidential candidates in the event that there are multiple candidates. This includes the selection of a mediator.
- Responsibilities of the Elections Committee
- The Elections Committee shall be responsible for the following:
- To ensure fair, accurate, and secure voting procedure;
- To ensure that all parts of the voting website are functioning correctly;
- To communicate regularly with the Campus Life Office regarding problems and usage of the voting website;
- The Elections Committee shall be responsible for the following:
- Committee Chairperson
- The Elections Committee Chairperson shall be the Student Government Vice President.
- In the case that the Student Government Vice-President has a personal interest in the election, the Student Government Advisor or his/her designee shall appoint another impartial student to serve as the chairperson.
- Committee
- The committee shall consist of five members and a chairperson.
- The five members shall be the Student Government Advisor or designee, the Campus Life Administrative Assistant, the Student Government Secretary, the Student Government Chief of Staff, and the Parliamentarian.
- In the case that any of these members has a personal interest in the election, the Student Government Advisor or his/her designee shall appoint another impartial student to serve in the designated position.
- As an Elections Official, a member of the Elections Committee must be impartial and shall maintain confidentiality on voting results and all affiliated information.
- Filing of Petitions (Initiative, Referendum, and Recall)
- Constitutional amendments, legislation, referenda, and recall of elected officials may be submitted to a direct vote of the Student Body through the following petition process:
- All questions to be brought to a Student Body vote must be phrased in such a manner that the required response is “Yes” or “No”;
- A direct vote on a question may be proposed by a petition signed by one tenth of the students currently enrolled in the University;
- The Registrar’s office shall supply Student Government with the current enrollment figure and the exact number of signatures required shall be determined from that figure.
- Petitions calling for a direct vote must be submitted to the Elections Committee by the third week preceding a General Election, unless the petition calls for a Special Election on the question;
- The date for Special Election must be named in the petition, and the petition submitted by the third week preceding that date;
- Each page of the petition must bear an exact statement of the question proposed and each line for signatures must bear the following:
- Date
- Print Name
- Student ID
- Signature
- The names of persons collecting signatures must be submitted with each petition;
- Upon receipt of the petition(s), the Elections Committee shall have the authority to verify and reject any and all signatures. Only signatures of students qualified to vote and gathered during the current academic year will be counted as valid signatures toward total needed to bring the question to a vote;
- If properly proposed, the Elections Committee shall have the question upon the ballot of the next General Election, or shall hold a Special Election if so proposed;
- Questions shall be considered approved upon a majority vote of those voting in a Student Body election. Constitutional amendments require a two-thirds majority with at least one tenth of students voting for ratification.
- Constitutional amendments, legislation, referenda, and recall of elected officials may be submitted to a direct vote of the Student Body through the following petition process:
- Voting Procedures
- Eligible students shall vote via the online voting website using their personal ID number and password.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Elections Committee and the Campus Life Office to verify that a student is eligible to vote and has not previously voted in the current election.
- Should a problem arise pertaining to the voting website or server during the time of active voting which interferes with the voting process, the Elections Committee shall act in the following manner:
- Temporarily halt voting until the problem can be resolved;
- Determine whether the problem constitutes a revote or an extension of the voting period;
- The Elections Committee shall have complete discretion in determining a fair and honest remedy.
- Tabulating the Votes
- If no grievances are filed or pending, the Campus Life Administrative Assistant shall provide results no later than noon following the last Election Day. The results shall be collected by the Elections Committee and announced within one working day.
- If grievances are pending, the results shall not be tabulated or announced until after all hearings have been concluded and penalties have been assessed. The Office of Campus Life shall provide the results no later than 5:00 p.m. on the one-week deadline of the grievance hearings. The Elections Committee shall announce the results on or before the one-week deadline for completion of grievance hearings by the Elections Committee.
- If grievances are filed following the announcement of the election results, then penalties shall be accessed following the ruling of the Election Committee.
- From the information provided by the Office of Campus Life, the Elections Committee chairperson shall record the results on an Elections Results Statement.
- All penalties assessed to candidates due to campaign violations will be applied to the results at this time.
- All pertinent records shall be sealed and should not be opened or inspected until the end of the semester of the election except upon order of the All-University Judicial Board.
- If the ballots must be individually reviewed, then the following process shall be followed:
- The ballots will not be reviewed until all ruling regarding grievances are final and penalties have been assessed;
- At least three Elections Committee members must be present to review ballots;
- Once review begins, no one may leave until the process is complete;
- The Elections Committee members shall determine the results of questions of initiative, referendum and recall;
- All ballots shall be reviewed at least twice to ensure accuracy of the review.
- Once the ballots have been reviewed the Elections Committee chairperson shall record the results on an Elections Result Statement;
- After all the results have been recorded, each of the Elections Committees members shall certify the results by signing the Elections Results Statement. If any Elections Committee member declines to certify the results, he or she shall state their reasons in writing and attach the statement to the Results Statement.
- All pertinent records shall be sealed and should not be opened or inspected except upon the order of the All University Judicial Board.
- If two or more persons receive an equal number of votes for election of a single office, the Elections Committee shall notify the Senate, who shall without delay in the next regular session elect one of the individuals for the office.
- Each candidate will be given five minutes to make a statement to the Senate. In addition, the Senate shall have an additional five minutes to ask questions to the candidate.\
- The votes shall be by secret ballot. A simple majority of those present shall be needed to elect an individual to a particular office.
- Based on figures determined by the Office of Campus Life the Elections Committee shall announce the results at a predetermined time and location. At that time the Committee shall provide each candidate with a copy of the elections Results Statement.
- Duties and Responsibilities
- Election Contests
- Contests can only be filed on the basis of improper election procedure dealing with, but not limited to, Official Candidate Information, Elections Committee members and tabulation of results. Campaigning violations are not grounds for an Election Contest. All campaign violations must follow the Campaign Grievance Procedure outlined in section III D.
- Not later than five days after announcement of results by the Elections Committee, any candidate or student may challenge the results of the election by petitioning the All University Judicial Board.
- The Elections Committee shall hold an open hearing to evaluate any and all election challenges.
- The All University Judicial Board shall have the authority to order all materials and records relating to the contested election brought before it. In addition, the Judicial Board shall have the authority to call witnesses to testify on the legitimacy of the elections.
- At the hearing all parties challenging the election results will be given an opportunity to present evidence/witnesses to support their position.
- The Elections Committee must be present to provide information pertaining to the elections process.
- The All University Judicial Board shall have the sole authority to determine the legality of the election. If the court finds sufficient cause to cast doubt on the election of a candidate for a specific office or cause to cast doubt on the entire election, the Judicial Board shall call a new election for the contested office or for a completely new election. In its judgment the court shall:
- Set the date for the election and specify the name of each candidate to be voted;
- Direct the Elections Committee on when and how to conduct the Special Election.
The All University Judicial Board has the final ruling on Election Contests unless a student can provide evidence that they were not accorded their student rights. In such a case, a student may appeal to the Dean of Students within three working days of the All University Judicial Board decision. At that time the Dean of Students shall have five working days to either dismiss the appeal or call another hearing of the All University Judicial Board based on the new evidence.
SECTION 405 NO. 02
Last Amended: 03/15/2021
SUBJECT: Elections Procedures
- Elections and Dates
- General Election
- One General Election shall be held before the Student Body yearly to fill Student Government positions.
- The General Election shall be held on the first consecutive Wednesday and Thursday that school is in session in April.
- Persons elected in General Elections shall be considered “duly elected”, and shall serve terms as defined within the Student Constitution upon taking the oath of office.
- In the event that all races for Student Government and Student Activities Council Executive positions are uncontested and the total number of qualified candidates for a Student Senate and Student Activities Council At-Large position in an election District is equal to or less than the total number of seats apportioned to that district, the Elections Committee shall notify the Student Body President and the Student Senate that no General Election will be held in that district. The candidates shall be considered elected by acclamation as of 12:00 p.m. on the day after voting is completed.
- One General Election shall be held before the Student Body yearly to fill Student Government positions.
- General Election
- Election Qualifications and Procedures
- Qualifications of Candidates
- A student that is eligible to run for a Student Government Office shall be a Student in Good Standing, as defined below.
- A student must provide proof of enrollment in their elected constituency by the Friday following the first day of classes in the semester of their term.
- Student in Good Standing
- Student in Good Standing shall be defined as a fee-paying person who is enrolled in at least twelve(12) hours for a Senator position and at least twelve (12) for an Executive board position, not on disciplinary or academic probation, and maintains a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
- For special consideration, appeals can be made to the Executive Committee.
- All Senators and Student Government Executives are required to maintain the Student in Good Standing status.
- Failure to maintain Student in Good Standing status shall result in dismissal from Student Government.
- The Student in Good Standing status shall be verified at the start of each semester.
- Senators who do not meet the requirements of the Student in Good Standing shall receive written notification from the President of the Senate prior to the first Senate meeting of the semester.
- Student in Good Standing shall be defined as a fee-paying person who is enrolled in at least twelve(12) hours for a Senator position and at least twelve (12) for an Executive board position, not on disciplinary or academic probation, and maintains a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
- Notice and Filing
- No later than six weeks prior to a General Election the Elections Committee shall notify the Student Body, through publication, fliers or other public means, of the upcoming elections, and shall include the following:
- The Student Government positions and questions involved in the election;
- The Student Actives Council positions and questions involved in the election;
- How to file as a candidate and the deadline for filing;
- The dates the election will be held.
- Filing of a Candidate
- For a candidate’s name to appear on the official ballot, the candidate must sign and submit a Statement of Candidacy to the Campus Life during office hours. The earliest the Elections Committee will accept a statement of candidacy is the first day of classes in the semester of the election. The deadline for an Executive position is three weeks preceding the election and the deadline for filing for a Senate position is the first day of March. If either of these dates fall during Spring Break, Statements of Candidacy will be accepted until the following Monday at 5:00 p.m. The candidate must provide a biographical information sheet, limited to one-hundred words or less, as well as a wallet size electronic portrait of the candidate to appear on the official ballot.
- Candidates may file for a Student Government Senate position and any on executive position in Student Government and Student Activities Council in an election.
- Students filing for Senate positions should file in the college that they are currently majoring in.
- A candidate wishing to withdraw his or her name from a ballot must submit to the Chairperson of the Elections Committee a letter of withdrawal no later than seven days prior to the day of the election.
- An individual is not officially considered a candidate for office until the Elections Committee Chairperson has verified the candidate’s eligibility.
- Within three days of receipt of a Statement of Candidacy the Elections Committee shall determine the eligibility of the candidate and will notify any candidate not meeting election qualifications.
- Should a candidate want to contest the findings of the Elections Committee the candidate must submit an appeal to the All-University Judicial Board requesting review of the findings. f. No candidates will be allowed to file after the filing deadline.
- No later than six weeks prior to a General Election the Elections Committee shall notify the Student Body, through publication, fliers or other public means, of the upcoming elections, and shall include the following:
- Campaign Regulations and Violations
- Campaigning is defined as written, oral, personal, electronic, or other communication which may influence voting.
- Campaigning is prohibited until one month prior to the election.
- Campaigning may not occur until the individual’s eligibility has been verified.
- The Elections Committee has the authority to distribute campaign guidelines to the students filing Statements ofCcandidacy.
- In the absence of specific campaign guidelines, candidates must adhere to existing University policies including, but not limited to, University posting guidelines, Student Government by-laws and the Code of Student Conduct.
- Candidates shall be held responsible for all campaigning done by themselves or surrogates.
- Surrogate is defined as any person conducting campaign work for, or campaigning in the place of a candidate with the consent of that candidate.
- The source of funding for all campaign materials shall be clearly noted and presented to the Elections Committee with the name of the funding source, the name of the contact person, and an e-mail address for contact purposes.
- Removing, obstructing, or defacing campaign material by candidates or their surrogates is prohibited.
- Campaign material which violates University posting or other regulations shall be reported to the Elections Committee.
- In the event campaign material violate University policy or Student Government by-laws, the Elections Committee shall be responsible for the removal of the objectionable material and the notification of the responsible candidate.
- The Elections Committee shall have the right to file election grievances against any candidate in violation of campaign stipulations.
- No Student Government equipment or resources shall be used for any individual or party campaigns. a. This includes, but is not limited to, bulletin boards, the Student Government website, and computer/office equipment.
- Campaigning is defined as written, oral, personal, electronic, or other communication which may influence voting.
- Campaign Grievance Procedure
- Students who observe violations of University policy or Student Government’s campaign by-laws should file a grievance, via the Student Government Election Grievance Form, with the Elections Committee Chairperson. Grievances will be accepted beginning the first day of campaigning and must be received by 11:00 a.m. the next business day after the final day of elections. Grievances are to be sent to the Elections Committee: MS 1800.
- All members of the Elections Committee must be contacted about all campaign grievances filed.
- All interested parties shall be notified of the grievances, and the Elections Committee shall hear the complaint and defense as they are filed. All rulings must be completed within one week of the grievance filing deadline. A majority of the student members of the Elections Committee must be present in order to render a ruling regarding a filed grievance.
- The Elections Committee may only hear grievances involving campaigning. All other grievances must be filed with the All University Judicial Board as challenges to an election process described in 405.01.III.
- Any decision made by the Elections Committee may be appealed to the All University Judicial Board. The deadline for appeal is 5:00 p.m. on the next business day following the committee ruling. The All University Judicial Board has final authority on campaign violation grievances.
- Penalties for Violations of Campaign Regulations
- The Elections Committee shall have complete discretion in determining the severity of penalties assessed to candidates.
- Any candidates found in violation of any campaign regulation shall issue a public statement of responsibility and apologize in a manner dictated by the Elections Committee or All University Judicial Board.
- Penalties for violating campaign regulations may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Restriction of campaign privileges;
- Fines;
- Disqualification of candidate.
- All penalties will be assessed following the ruling of all grievances by the Elections Committee.
- All penalties assessed by the Elections Committee may be appealed to the All University Judicial Board.
- Qualifications of Candidates
- Election Procedure
- Ballots and Forms
- Approximately 5 days prior to an election the Elections Committee will have completed the Official Ballots of substantially the following format:
- Each ballot shall contain only those offices and questions for which an individual student is eligible to vote;
- Instructions to voters must be available on the voting website;
- Under the title of the office, the placement of candidate’s names shall be in order filed.
- Official candidate information shall be included on the voting website and consist of biographical information limited to fifty words and a portrait of the candidate;
- Questions or referenda shall follow with the choices of “Yes” and “No” underneath.
- Approximately 5 days prior to an election the Elections Committee will have completed the Official Ballots of substantially the following format:
- Ballots and Forms
SECTION 406 NO. 01
SUBJECT: Vacancies
- In the event that it becomes necessary for the Senate to elect candidates to fill any Student Government position, the candidate must be present for question and discussion prior to election.
SECTION 409.02 NO. 01
Date Enacted: 3/18/91
SUBJECT: Student Activity Fee Assessment
- The Student Government Senate shall assess a student activity fee annually.
- Procedures:
- The Finance Committee shall project the budgetary needs of Student Government based on the following information:
- The operational needs of Student Government
- The operational needs of Student Activities Council
- The current funding requests of all recognized student organizations.
- The Finance Committee will submit any suggested changes in the student activity fee to the Senate in the form of a resolution.
- Upon passage of the activity fee resolution, Student Government will notify the Board of Regents of the fee change through the Student Regent.
- Upon approval by the Board of Regents, the Finance Committee chairperson will notify the Bursar’s Office of the activity fee change. The Bursar’s Office will reflect this change in its collection of incidental fees.
- The Finance Committee shall project the budgetary needs of Student Government based on the following information:
SECTION 409.02 NO. 02
Last Amended: April 17, 2017
SUBJECT: Student Activity Fee Distribution
- The Student Government Senate shall assess a student activity fee to the entire student body.
- The student activity fee shall be set at the level approved by the Board of Regents based on a recommendation from Student Government.
- III. The student activity fee shall be conducted by the Bursar’s Office each semester along with incidental fees. The funds accumulated by the student activity fee shall be transferred to Student Government.
- The funds accumulated from the student activity fee shall be distributed by Student Government based the next year’s estimated budget. This estimated budget will be determined by the current Student Government Treasurer, with assistance from the Student Government Accountant and Advisor.
- Funding shall be distributed by Student Government in the following manner:
- Executive Account: $102,000.00 of the estimated budget shall be allocated for Student Government executive use. This money shall be used to provide payroll for the Student Government/Student Government Administrative Assistant, Accountant, student workers, and any approved personnel that Student Government employs. It shall also be used for the support of the Student Government executive operating budget.
- Student Organizations Account: $30,000.00 of the estimated budget shall be used to fund registered Student Organizations under the policies and guidelines set forth in by- laws 409.03.01 and 409.03.02.
- Discretionary Account: $34,000.00 of the estimated budget shall be held in a discretionary account. This money shall be allocated at the discretion of the Student Senate for the funding of special campus projects deemed appropriate and/or necessary. Entities receiving discretionary funding will be required to sign and complete the terms of the Discretionary Funding Agreement document. Failure to sign and/or complete the terms stated in the agreement may result in one or more of the following, as determined by the Executive Committee:
- Loss of opportunity for funding from the Discretionary account for the remainder of the academic year and/or the following year.
- Loss of opportunity from the Student Organizations account for the remainder of the academic year and/or the following year.
- Repayment to Student Government in part, or in full, of currently allocated funds.
- An up-to-date copy of the Discretionary Funding Agreement shall be attached at the end of by-law 409.02 No. 02, and shall require a by-law amendment to be changed.
- Student Activities Council Account: $115,000.00 of the estimated budget shall be used to fund the Student Activities Council.
- The uses of these funds by the Student Activities Council may include, but are not limited to: comedy events, cultural programs, concerts, student entertainment, operational supplies, and support for programs of other student organizations.
- The Student Activities Council will not be required to go through the funding process described in the funding by-laws.
- The Student Activities Council will not receive any additional funding from Student Government other than this account.
- As contingency to this funding, all executive officers of the Student Activities Council shall be selected in all-school elections held in the fall.
- The Student Activities Council President or designee shall have a non-voting seat in the Student Senate, and shall give a report at each meeting.
- The Student Activities Council shall present a detailed semester budget to the Senate at the first Senate meeting of each semester and at any other times at the request of the Senate.
- If the Student Activities Council does not elect officers, then the money will be transferred to the carry forward account.
- Graduate Fees Reimbursement Account: $5,500.00 of the estimated budget shall be set aside for the purpose of reimbursing graduate students activity fees. From this account, one-half (0.5%) percent of the total activity fees collected from graduate students shall be returned to the school of Graduate Studies and Extended Learning, and allocated to students by the Dean of that school under the following stipulations:
- The spending report of the funds of the previous year shall be presented to the full Student Senate no later than the 4th Senate meeting of the following year. The funds for the current year will not be release until the spending report has been presented.
- Graduate students shall no longer be able to request any more money from Student Government, vote in Student Government elections, or hold office in Student Government.
- The excess funds left in the Graduate Fees Reimbursement Account shall be transferred into the carry forward account.
- Any organization composed of more than 25% graduate students in a non-advising role will be excluded from receiving funds from the Student Organizations Account.
- The Graduate Fee Reimbursement Account shall be reviewed at the end of each year by the Treasurer and President of the Student Government in order to let the account be adjusted to allow for the increase or decrease of enrollment in the Graduate School.
- Club Sports Account: $17,500.00 of the estimated budget shall be set aside to fund proposals from the Club Sports Council.
- Each year, Club Sports will submit to the Senate a yearly budget which includes an itemized account of money spent.
- A student representative from club sports must be present for the Senate to propose for how the next year’s money will be spent in order to be considered for the allocation of funds. The presentation shall occur before April 1st.
- The Senate is not required to allocate the entire account any funds remaining in the account shall not be considered carry forward monies unless requested.
- Individual club sports shall not be funded through the Student Organizations Account. Individual club sports may ask/request money through the Discretionary Account, but only written approval from the Club Sports Allocation Committee.
- Homecoming Account: $8,000.00 of the estimated budget shall be set aside to help fund homecoming in the hopes that it will facilitate a coming together of the campus community as a whole.
- Each year Homecoming Planning Committee will submit, to the Senate, a yearly budget which includes an itemized account of money spent.
- A student representative from the Homecoming Planning Committee must present to Senate a proposal for how the next year’s money will be spent in order to be considered for the allocation of funds. The presentation shall occur before April 1st.
- Any money left in the account as of February 1st shall be reallocated to the carry forward account.
- Homecoming Planning Committee shall not be funded through the Student Organizations Account.
- With the addition of this money, no fee shall be charged to any student or student organization to participate in the activities of Homecoming.
- When In Need Go Shuttle (WINGS) Account: $7,500.00 of the estimated budget shall be set aside to help fund the off-campus shuttle program for students.
- The Department of Public Safety will be charged with managing the WINGS account.
- Each year, the University Affairs Committee shall review the activities of the WINGS system and make a recommendation to the senate regarding the continuation of funding for the system.
- Any money left unused shall be reallocated to the Discretionary Account.
- Undergraduate Research Account:
- Each year Student Government will allocate an amount of $10,000 from the base budget to the Provost’s office, under the condition it be used for undergraduate students’ research.
- The Provost is responsible for creating the process for submitting and vetting research applications with the process beginning in fall 2016.
- A senator be selected by the University Affairs chair as a member of the vetting committee, and that senator shall serve in the role upon Student Government senate approval of their nomination.
- If any of the $10,000 remains at the end of the academic year it is to be returned to the Student Government Carry-Forward Account.
- The program will include an annual reporting process where the Provost’s Office provides Student Government with a list of projects funded, including the amount awarded.
Entities receiving discretionary funding will be required to sign and complete the terms of the Discretionary Funding Agreement document. Failure to sign and/or complete the terms stated in the agreement may result in one or more of the following, as determined by the Executive Committee:
- Loss of opportunity for funding from the Discretionary account for the remainder of the academic year and/or the following year.
- Loss of opportunity from the Student Organizations account for the remainder of the academic year and/or the following year.
- Request for repayment in part or in full of currently allocated funds.
After receiving funding from the Student Government Discretionary Account, (Organization or group name) agrees to the following:
- To attend any and all conference meetings/sessions;
- To spend Student Government money only for the purposes allocated;
- To meet with Campus Life Business Analyst and submit necessary paperwork within one month after the conference/event/competition or within a time period as determined by the Campus Life Business Analyst;
- To submit a one-page document within one month after the conference/event/competition detailing involvement and resulting benefit to Southeast
(Organization or group name) understands and agrees to the terms listed above. We understand that failure to abide by these terms may result in one or more of the following, as determined by the Executive Committee:
- Loss of opportunity for funding from the Discretionary account for the remainder of the academic year and/or the following year;
- Loss of opportunity from the Student Organizations account for the remainder of the academic year and/or the following year;
- Repayment to Student Government in part, or in full, of currently allocated
SECTION 409.02 NO. 03
Date Enacted: 2/26/96
SUBJECT: Student Government Recommendations on General Fees
- Any Student Government Resolution that entails recommendations of changes in the University General Fees shall be kept on record until a contrary recommendation resolution is passed.
- These resolutions shall be placed behind this by-law and shall be distributed with all copies of the by-laws.
- III. Student Government’s support of the recommendations in the following resolutions is contingent upon the stipulations listed therein.
- Any General Fee revenues that are entrusted to Student Government by the Board of Regents shall be governed by relevant changes in the by-laws.
SECTION 409.02 NO. 04
Date Enacted: 2/19/96
SUBJECT: Computer Fees
- Student Government recommends to the Budget Review Committee, the President, and the Board of Regents that the University assesses a student computer fee to the entire student body.
- The student computer fee shall be one dollar ($1.00) per credit hour for all students enrolled at Southeast Missouri State University.
- The student computer fee shall be collected by the Bursar’s Office each semester as a general fee.
- A new Student Computing Account shall be created for these funds. The funds accumulated by the student computer fee shall be transferred to this budget. These funds shall not serve as a replacement for, but as a supplement to significant ongoing institutional financial support ($122,000 in FY 1996).
- The funds accumulated from the student computer fee shall be used solely for the creation and support of student computer use and shall be managed by the Executive Vice-President’s Office or his/her designee.
- Before the University’s budget review process each year, the Executive Vice-President’s Office shall propose to the Student Senate a budget for the Student Computing Account. If the Student Senate fails to approve a budget before the beginning of the fiscal year, the previous year’s budget will be applied to the next fiscal year.
- At the second to the last Student Senate meeting of each semester a representative from the Executive Vice-President’s Office shall present a full report on the usage of the money spent during that semester.
- At the end of each fiscal year all unspent money in the student computer lab account shall be transferred to a designated account that shall be used for repairs and replacement of student computing equipment.
- All future increases to this fee shall be approved by the Student Government Senate as a by- law amendment. Also, student fee increases shall not be the only source of income for the Student Computing Account.
SECTION 409.02 NO. 05
Last Amended: April 21, 2014
SUBJECT: Fee Changes
- When any representative of the University seeks our recommendation for a general fee change, he/she shall be given the floor during the official meeting. During this time, the Standing Rules of Order shall be suspended until the representative is finished. The representative shall field questions in any fashion he/she wishes.
- If Student Government is to vote on a recommendation for a general fee change, whether it be a specific or a maximum allowance, then the executive committee must submit a recommendation in resolution format.
- The vote on any general fee change recommendation shall be a roll-call vote.
SECTION 409.02 NO. 06
Date Enacted: 8/25/04
SUBJECT: Disclosure of Student Government Spending
- Itemized Statement of Expenditures
- Student Government shall make public to the entire student body an itemized statement of its expenditures each semester.
- The itemized statement shall include all expenditures listed under the appropriate accounts, as outlined in by-law Section 409.02 No.02 V.
- The itemized statement for each semester shall be published no later than the third week of the following semester.
- The itemized statement shall be made public via campus newspaper, the Student Government website, or any other public means.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Student Government Treasurer, along with the assistance of the Student Government Accountant, to ensure that the student body is provided with an honest and accurate statement of expenditures.
- Student Government shall make public to the entire student body an itemized statement of its expenditures each semester.
SECTION 409.03 NO. 01
Last Amended: 03/02/2020
SUBJECT: Student Organizations Account Funding Guidelines
- General Policies
- The philosophy of the Student Government funding procedure is that any programs which receive funding through Student Government be accessible to all students; therefore, Student Government will not fund activities which are designed for the advancement of individual students. Items to be considered for funding include but are not limited to:
- Programs
- Events
- Activities
- Social Projects
- Educational Activities
- Student Government funding is to supplement, not fully support an organization’s budget. Student Government encourages student organizations to develop their own sources of funding prior to submitting a request. Organizations must show a good faith effort to raise supplementary funding.
- Student Government will not fund any activities, events, or organizations that do not adhere to University policies or procedures. Any violations of University or Student Government policies may result in the loss of organization registration, Student Government funding, and/or judicial proceedings by the University.
- Student Government will not fund organizations that discriminates based on the factors defined by by-law 412.09.
- Student Government will not fund any activities or events that are not handicap accessible to all University students according to “The Americans with Disabilities Act”.
- Student Government will not fund any hosted event, activity, or conference not held on University property.
- Exemptions can be granted if due diligence was shown to find an on campus location.
- The philosophy of the Student Government funding procedure is that any programs which receive funding through Student Government be accessible to all students; therefore, Student Government will not fund activities which are designed for the advancement of individual students. Items to be considered for funding include but are not limited to:
- Funding Requirements
- All student organizations applying for funding must be properly registered with Student Government at the time of application.
- Organizations in the process of registration shall be allowed to go through the funding process with funding being contingent on registration approval.
- A student organization will not be eligible for funding if there is an outstanding debt from a previous semester(s) owed to the University as determined by the Student Government Treasurer.
- Outstanding debts cannot be paid with Student Government funding to the University or outside entities.
- An organization’s membership must be composed of no less than seventy-five percent (75%) undergraduate students.
- To verify student membership, the Student Government Advisor may request a roster of an organization’s membership.
- The Funding Board has no obligation to consider an organization for funding until the requested roster has been submitted.
- If the organization submits a roster that is found to be fraudulent or a misrepresentation, the organization is subject to penalties that may include loss or reduction of funding, suspension of Student Government registration, and/or action by the All University Judicial Board.
- Lodging for guest speakers will be funded only for the night prior to, or the night of the engagement.
- Travel for guest speakers will be funded no more than the University travel rate.
- Student Government will not fund an organization in the form of a loan. It is not the intention of the funding process to loan funds to an organization. Student Government will also not fund for student organizations the following activities/items:
- Yearbook pictures
- Endorsement of political candidates
- Cash gifts
- Un-inventoried equipment or clothing
- Student payroll salaries of organizations
- State/federal/city taxes
- Faculty/Staff functions
- Maintenance of institutional and campus buildings
- Organizational dues/membership fees
- Scholarships
- Trophies, plaques, and gifts
- Banquets
- Newsletters
- Film and film processing
- Fundraisers that benefit the organization hosting the event
- Office supplies
- The cost of Capaha Arrow ads greater than 1/8 of a page
- Any event that is not free to students
- T-shirts, unless essential to the event and including proper acknowledgment
- League Fees
- Tobacco
- Drugs of any kind and/or related paraphernalia
- Pornography
- Alcohol
- Student Government will not fund events for which contracts that require Student Government support have been signed prior to approval.
- Organizations must provide an example of advertising.
- All student organizations applying for funding must be properly registered with Student Government at the time of application.
- Funding Guidelines
- Student Government may supplement the funding of organizations for on-campus non- professional guest speakers. This shall include funding for International Sign-Language interpreters.
- Honorarium fees for non-professional speakers should not be funded in excess of one-hundred dollars.
- Student Government will fund equipment for an organization only if said equipment is for safety purposes except for equipment used by an athletic organization sanctioned by Southeast Missouri State University.
- Individual organizations may not obtain more than $3,000 or 10% of the overall funding budget of the account from which they are applying for funding, whichever amount is greater.
- If an organization is applying for funding from more than one account during a fiscal year, the organization may receive combined funds of up to 10% of the larger account’s overall budget.
- Multiple organizations requesting funding for the same event may receive a combined amount of no more than 15% of the overall funding budget of the account from which they are applying for funding.
- Requests should be made simultaneously.
- Consideration of the requests as related events will be at the discretion of the Funding Board.
- Individual organizations may not obtain more than 10% of the overall funding budget. Multiple organizations individually requesting funding for the same event may receive a combined amount of no more than 15% of the overall funding budget. If the requests from multiple organizations are not made simultaneously, it will be the Funding Board’s discretion as to whether or not they are actually requests for the same event.
- Student Government may supplement the funding of organizations for on-campus non- professional guest speakers. This shall include funding for International Sign-Language interpreters.
- Acknowledgment
- Any student organization receiving funds through Student Government shall place the following acknowledgment on all advertisement and programs: THIS EVENT FUNDED IN PART BY STUDENT GOVERNMENT and/or the Student Government seal visible on all print or electronic advertisement. Organizations must also acknowledge that the event is free to students.
- Failure by the organization to display the above acknowledgment may result in a reduction, or cancellation of funding.
- The Funding Board shall be responsible for ensuring proper acknowledgement of Student Government. A proof of all print and/or electronic advertisement must be submitted with the request, or the request will not be considered at the discretion of the Funding Board.
- All violations will be reported to the Student Senate in resolution form with suggested sanctions.
- Organizations must use the “Sponsored by Student Government” banner at all events deemed necessary by Funding Board.
- Any student organization receiving funds through Student Government shall place the following acknowledgment on all advertisement and programs: THIS EVENT FUNDED IN PART BY STUDENT GOVERNMENT and/or the Student Government seal visible on all print or electronic advertisement. Organizations must also acknowledge that the event is free to students.
- Recovery of Funds
- If non-student attendees are charged for the event, Student Government shall be reimbursed some or all-up to the total amount of the allocated money.
- Reimbursement amount shall not exceed the original allocation.
- Student Government Association’s entitlement to reimbursement shall be established based off the proportion of the event’s total funding providing by Student Government.
- The details are as follows:
- If Student Government is providing less of the majority (less than or equal to 50%) of the event’s total funding, Student Government’s entitlement to reimbursement shall be equal to a proportion of the revenue equal to the event’s funding provided by Student Government.
- If Student Government is providing the majority (greater than 50%) of the event’s total funding, Student Government shall be reimbursed up to the total amount of the allocated money.
SECTION 409.03 NO. 02
Last Amended: 03/27/2017
SUBJECT: Student Organizations Account Funding Procedure
- Funding Process
- The Student Government Treasurer shall schedule informational meetings for each (fall & spring) semester.
- Budget request forms will be available online.
- The Student Government Treasurer will describe, in detail, the funding process and the budget request forms at the informational meetings.
- The member of the student organization who will present any future budget requests before the Funding Board is required to attend an informational meeting.
- The Student Government Treasurer shall schedule Funding Board hearings and notify the President of each student organization of the time and place of the scheduled hearing.
- Should an organization fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the Funding Board is under no obligation to schedule another appointment.
- It shall be left to the discretion of the Funding Board whether or not to reschedule the hearing.
- The Funding Board shall hold budget hearings with each organization requesting funding so that said organizations have the opportunity to clarify their budget requests.
- During budget hearing, an organization’s budget must be presented by a student who assisted in or individually prepared the presented budget.
- An advisor may be present, but only for consultation or clarification.
- The student representative is expected to be familiar with the details of the budget and prepared to answer any questions or concerns the Funding Board may have.
- An organization which has a special situation that may require an exception to the Funding by-laws must give a clear and specific explanation of said situation during the funding hearing.
- Those organizations which receive funding from Student Government shall make public upon request records of the following: accounting, ledgers, receipts, billings, invoices, minutes, by-laws, and constitution.
- During budget hearing, an organization’s budget must be presented by a student who assisted in or individually prepared the presented budget.
- After reviewing budget requests the Funding Board will make an allocation recommendation to the Student Senate.
- The allocation recommendation shall clearly state the name of the organization(s) requesting funding, the event(s) for funding, and the amount requested for funding.
- The Student Government Treasurer shall be responsible for the submission of the allocation recommendation to the Student Senate. The Student Senate will then consider the allocation recommendation.
- The Student Government Treasurer shall be responsible for conveying any pertinent information from the Funding Board to the Student Senate.
- The student representative of the organization who presented the budget before Funding Board may be present when the Student Senate considers the allocation recommendation.
- The Student Senate has the authority to cut specific events from the allocation recommendation.
- The Student Senate has the authority to amend to lower, but not raise, the amount recommended for individual items within the funded events.
- The Student Government Treasurer shall notify student organizations requesting funding of the decisions of the Funding Board and Student Government Senate within one week of said decisions.
- The Student Government Treasurer shall schedule informational meetings for each (fall & spring) semester.
- Appeals
- An organization may appeal the final allocation decision of the Student Government Senate.
- The basis for an appeal is to present new and pertinent information concerning an organization’s budget request.
- Appeals must be made to the Student Government Treasurer who will introduce the appeal to the Funding Board.
- Appeals must be typed and must include a complete and specific explanation of the organization’s discontent.
- Appeals must be submitted within one week of decision notification.
- Any budget resubmitted to Student Government for appeal must be consistent in dollar amount and allocation with the original budget. Budgets resubmitted with changes that were not approved shall be considered void.
- Should the Funding Board regard the appeal as valid it shall follow the same funding procedure as the original request.
- An organization may appeal the final allocation decision of the Student Government Senate.
- Funding Process Flow of Activities:
- The Student Government Treasurer announces Funding Board dates and times through campus media.
- Registered organizations attain a funding request form from the Student Government/ Student Organizations office or Student Government Website
- The Funding Board schedules hearings with all student organizations who submit properly completed budget request forms. This form shall be submitted at least one month before the event. The Treasurer may waive the one month period due to timing or extenuating circumstances at his or her discretion.
- The Funding Board schedules hearings with all student organizations who submit properly completed budget request forms. This form shall be submitted at least twenty- one (21) days before the event.
- The Treasurer may waive the twenty-one day period due to timing or extenuating circumstances at his or her discretions.
- The Treasurer shall set a weakly deadline for budget requests forms to be submitted each week for consideration at the next Funding Board Meeting.
- The Funding Board reviews and deliberates all budget requests.
- The Funding Board makes an allocation recommendation.
- The Student Senate votes on the allocation recommendation.
- The Student Government Treasurer, within the week of the decision of the Senate, will notify student organizations requesting funding of said decision and funding, if any, to be allocated.
- An organization, within one week of notification by the Student Government Treasurer of the final allocation to be disbursed, may appeal the final decision to the Student Government Treasurer in writing explaining the complete and specific reason for the organization’s discontent.
SECTION 409.03 NO. 03
Date Amended: 03/27/2017
SUBJECT: Funding Board
- Membership
- The Funding Board shall consist of the Student Government Treasurer, a minimum of three Senators, and a minimum of two at-large student members. The Student Government Accountant shall serve on the Funding Board but shall have no vote.
- Chairperson
- The Student Government Treasurer shall chair the Funding Board but shall vote only in the event of a tie.
- Voting Members
- The Funding Board members shall consist entirely of all Senators and at-large members.
- Chairperson
- The Funding Board shall consist of the Student Government Treasurer, a minimum of three Senators, and a minimum of two at-large student members. The Student Government Accountant shall serve on the Funding Board but shall have no vote.
- Selection Process
- At-Large Members shall be appointed by the Treasurer.
- At-large members must be a student of Southeast Missouri State University and must be in good standing at the time of the appointment.
- The term of at-large member shall be until the end of the term of the Treasurer.
- If an at-large member is elected or appointed to a position on the Senate, the member may remain on the Funding Board at the discretion of the Treasurer.
- Senators shall be appointed by the Treasurer with the advice of the Vice President.
- Senator members shall meet all Senator requirements.
- The term of Senator member shall be until the end of the term of the Treasurer.
- If a Senator member resigns from Senate, the Treasurer may allow the former Senator to remain a member of the Funding Board as an at-large member.
- Dismissal
- Should a student member fail to remain in good status with the University, he/she shall be dismissed from the Funding Board.
- Should a student member miss more than four scheduled Funding Board meetings in a semester, to include hearings and/or deliberations, he/she may be removed from the Funding Board at the discretion of the Student Government Treasurer.
- Should a Funding Board member become Student Government Treasurer his/her position as a Funding Board member shall be terminated.
- At-Large Members shall be appointed by the Treasurer.
- Voting
- A quorum must be present in order to conduct official business.
- A quorum will consist of the chairperson and five voting members.
- All decisions of the Funding Board require a majority vote of the voting members present.
- Should a member of the Funding Board be affiliated with a student organization whose budget request is being deliberated, the member shall excuse him/herself from the meeting and his/her vote shall be counted as an abstention.
- A quorum must be present in order to conduct official business.
- Responsibilities
- To review all budget requests. This is to assure that all Student Government Funding Guidelines are observed in the requests.
- All Funding Board Committee members shall make decisions on a viewpoint neutral basis. A viewpoint neutral basis is defined as one not considering the viewpoints being expressed by those requesting funding, and based solely upon: Established Funding Board guidelines and procedures as outlined in Funding Guidelines 409.03 No.1 and Funding Procedure 409.03 No.2, which should include but not be limited to the facts presented in the application, presentations from representative of the organization, and verifiable factual information.
- Any member of Student Government who is a member or advisor of the organization requesting funding from Student Government shall abstain from voting and/or motioning, and refrain from making statements in regards to the organization’s funding request, except to clarify information.
- All Funding Board Committee members shall make decisions on a viewpoint neutral basis. A viewpoint neutral basis is defined as one not considering the viewpoints being expressed by those requesting funding, and based solely upon: Established Funding Board guidelines and procedures as outlined in Funding Guidelines 409.03 No.1 and Funding Procedure 409.03 No.2, which should include but not be limited to the facts presented in the application, presentations from representative of the organization, and verifiable factual information.
- To interview and discuss, with a representative of the organization, the submitted budget request.
- To recommend to the Senate an amount to be approved and allocated to student organizations for activities.
- To meet at regularly scheduled times throughout the semester as determined by the Student Government Treasurer at the beginning of the semester. Other meeting times may be assigned as deemed necessary by the Student Government Treasurer.
- To attend a mandatory training session at the beginning of the Board member’s term of office as required by the Treasurer. Each Funding Board member may be required to sign a statement of acknowledgement and commitment to abide by all Funding Board by-laws.
- The training session should specifically include instructions on the definition and importance of viewpoint neutrality, conflict of interest, Funding Board guidelines and procedures as outlined in Funding Guidelines 409.03 No.1 and Funding Procedure 409.03 No.2, and other topics as needed.
- To review all budget requests. This is to assure that all Student Government Funding Guidelines are observed in the requests.
- Rights
- The Funding Board can make exceptions to the Funding Guidelines as long as they are reported with an explanation to Senate by the Student Government Treasurer.
- It shall be left to the interpretation of the Funding Board to determine whether activities are to be considered organizational or personal in nature.
- The Funding Board reserves the right to restrict the funding of an organization based on its interpretation of the funding guidelines.
- Rules of Order
- All meetings of the Funding Board will follow the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, as stated in by-law 412-03.
- Branch of Student Government
- The Funding Board is a standing entity of the legislative branch of Student Government.
SECTION 409.03 NO. 04
Date Amended: 04/18/05
SUBJECT: Athletic Promotions Board
- The Athletic Promotions Board shall have governance over the $5,000.00 allocation of the Athletic fee that is entrusted to Student Government.
- Any funds left in the Athletic Promotions Board Account at the end of the current fiscal year will roll over into the over-all Athletic Budget.
- Membership
- The Board shall be chaired by a student member who is appointed by the Student Government President.
- All students are welcome to attend meetings, but may only speak if a voting representative yields their time to them.
- The voting membership of the Board shall be:
- One representative from Student Government
- One representative from Student Activities Council
- One representative from Panhellenic Council
- One representative from Interfraternity Council
- One representative from National Pan-Hellenic Council
- One representative from Men’s Athletics
- One representative from Women’s Athletics
- President of the Spirit Club
- Vice-President of the Spirit Club
- Student may apply to represent their organization list above, but the Student Government President will make the final appointment of all members.
- The Board shall be primarily advised by the Director of Athletic Marketing. Other ex-oficio members will include:
- The Residence Hall Association Advisor
- Representative of Campus Life
- The Student Government Accountant will work in cooperation with the Athletic Business Manager for the Athletic Promotions Account.
- The Board shall be governed under Robert’s Rules of Order.
- The Board shall elect or appoint a secretary that will publish minutes for each meeting. These minutes shall be posted on the Student Promotions Board group portal page.
- The Board may function as a programming board with responsibilities for improving school spirit through student promotions.
- The Athletic Department has a commitment and responsibility to provide an adequate level of student athletic promotions. Therefore the Board shall not fund basic operation expenses, which include but are not limited to: scholarships, regular uniforms, schedule cards, or schedule posters.
- Pursuant to the above stipulations, the Athletic Promotions Board, with input from their Advisor, may use these monies at their discretion to enhance student interest and participation in Athletics, and to enhance Athletics’ contributions to the campus community.
SECTION 409.03 NO. 05
Date Created: 04/17/2017
SUBJECT: Disclaimer for Student Government Sponsored Events
- Student Government shall not be held liable for any injuries that may occur during travel to, participation in, observation of, or return from any event sponsored by Student Government.
- Speech, actions, and content matter disseminated during such events, explicit or implied, may not necessarily reflect the views, goals or mission of Student Government or Southeast Missouri State University.
SECTION 409.03 NO. 06
Last Amended: 03/02/2020
SUBJECT: Conference Account Funding Guidelines
- General Policies
- The philosophy of the Student Government funding procedure is that any programs which receive funding through Student Government be accessible to all students; therefore, Student Government will not fund activities which are designed for the advancement of individual students. Items to be considered for funding include but are not limited to:
- Conferences
- Off Campus Events Not hosted by Organization
- Workshops
- Institutes
- Educational Activities
- Student Government funding is to supplement, not fully support an organization’s budget. Student Government encourages student organizations to develop their own sources of funding prior to submitting a request. Organizations must show good faith effort to raise supplementary funding.
- Student Government will not fund an organization that discriminates based on the factors defined by by-law 412.09.
- Student Organizations, individuals, and other groups may not receive over $2,000 in funding from this account in a single Academic Year.
- The philosophy of the Student Government funding procedure is that any programs which receive funding through Student Government be accessible to all students; therefore, Student Government will not fund activities which are designed for the advancement of individual students. Items to be considered for funding include but are not limited to:
- Funding Requirements
- A student organization will not be eligible for funding if there is an outstanding debt from a previous semester(s) owed to the University as determined by the Student Government Treasurer.
- Outstanding debts cannot be paid with Student Government funding to the University or outside entities.
- The funding must be used for only undergraduate students who attend Southeast Missouri State University at the time of the event, no staff or graduate students are permitted to receive funding.
- Student Government will not fund an organization in the form of a loan. It is not the intention of the funding process to loan funds to an organization. Student Government will also not fund for student organizations the following activities/items:
- Tobacco
- Drugs of any kind and/or related paraphernalia
- Pornography
- Alcohol
- Student Government will not fund events for which contracts that require Student Government support have been signed prior to approval.
- A student organization will not be eligible for funding if there is an outstanding debt from a previous semester(s) owed to the University as determined by the Student Government Treasurer.
- Recovery of Funds
- If non-student attendees are charged for the event, Student Government shall be reimbursed some or all-up to the total amount of the allocated money.
- Reimbursement amount shall not exceed the original allocation.
- Student Government Association’s entitlement to reimbursement shall be established based off the proportion of the event’s total funding providing by Student Government.
- The details are as follows:
- If Student Government is providing less of the majority (less than or equal to 50%) of the event’s total funding, Student Government’s entitlement to reimbursement shall be equal to a proportion of the revenue equal to the event’s funding provided by Student Government.
- If Student Government is providing the majority (greater than 50%) of the event’s total funding, Student Government shall be reimbursed up to the total amount of the allocated money.
- If non-student attendees are charged for the event, Student Government shall be reimbursed some or all-up to the total amount of the allocated money.
SECTION 409.04 NO. 01
Last Amended: April 21, 2014
SUBJECT: Student Organization Registration Process
- Student Organization Recognition Requirements
- The organization must consist of no fewer than five members who are current students at Southeast Missouri State University, in good academic and disciplinary standing, and maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA (student in good standing).
- The organization must have a constitution, which should be in accordance with the University’s rules of Code of Conduct, as well as the Student Constitution of Southeast Missouri State University.
- The organization must have an advisor. This advisor may be any faculty or staff member, including graduate assistants employed by Southeast Missouri State University.
- Each organization must have an executive officer (i.e. president), and an administrative officer (i.e. secretary or treasurer). These officers must register as indicated below and be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the university. All officers must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA (student in good standing).
- All organizations must first be registered through the University Center Administrative office as outline in Section II.
- All sports oriented organizations must first be approved by the Club Sports Council to receive recognition by Student Government.
- Registration Process
- The registration and organizational support of student organizations shall be organized and carried out by the University Center Administrative office under the coordination of the Assistant Director of Student Involvement. The University Center Staff shall be charged with implementing a process that best utilizes its resources in registering and developing student organizations. The Student Government will not oversee the registration process but will retain the right to evaluate the process and recommend changes at any time. The Student Government organizational secretary will be at the disposal of the University Center office in the regard and will aid the University Center in any capacity deemed necessary by the Assistant Director of Student Involvement.
- New student organizations will register with the University center office on a yearly basis and will be considered for recognition by Student Government after the first registrations has been successfully completed.
- Successfully completing the registration process shall include but may not be limited to the following terms:
- Abiding by all rules, regulations, and time lines pertaining to initiating a student organization as prescribed by the University Center staff.
- Completing all paperwork deemed necessary by the University Center staff.
- Allowing the University Center staff to access grades, judicial reports, and any other information necessary to ensure officers of student organizations are in proper standing as prescribed by the Student Government and the University Center staff.
- The Student Government Vice-President will be notified immediately after any organization seeking recognition successfully completes the registration process. The Vice-President will then place, in resolution form, recommendation that the organization be recognized as an official student organization of the forthcoming Senate agenda following receipt of registration approval. Resolutions concerning recognition of student organizations shall not be amended and shall need a simple majority vote to pass.
- Organizations that are not allowed to complete the registrations process can appeal to the executive board of Student Government, with a written petition, within one calendar week of receiving notification that registration was denied.
- Organizations that are denied recognition by the Senate may appeal to the All-University Judicial Board, with written petition, within one calendar week of the Senate meeting at which the resolution granting recognition failed. A registered organization may also appeal to the All-University Judicial Board if a resolution recommending the recognition of their organization is not placed on the Senate agenda before the third meeting after their registration process is complete. Lack of consideration by the Senate will constitute its opinion that the organization is not qualified to be recognized.
- All organizations that are registered and recognized before this by-law was enacted shall not need to be re-recognized by the Senate once this by-law is enacted so long as they complete their yearly registration with the University Center Administrative Office.
SECTION 409.04 NO. 02
Last Amended: February 22, 2019
SUBJECT: Student Activities Council
- Name
- The name of the organization shall be the Student Activities Council at Southeast Missouri State University,herein referred to as SAC.
- Mission
- To provide educational, social, cultural, diverse, and entertaining programs, which encourage co-curricular student involvement outside of the classroom.
- To foster the development of open mindedness, leadership, social and professional skills, creating a positive atmosphere for personal growth of Southeast students and members.
- Membership
- Membership shall be open to all Southeast Missouri State University students.
- Southeast Missouri State University and SAC are committed to providing a safe, civil, and positive learning and working environment for its faculty, staff, students, and visitors, free from discrimination in any form. This policy applies to all members and guests of the University community and prohibits discrimination on the basics of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, genetic information, disability, or protected veteran status in any of its programs or activities.
- To become an official member of SAC one shall attend three meeting and participate during two events.
- In order to stay an active member, one shall attend at least one meeting every month of the school calendar year as well as attend at least two events per semester.
- Executive Board
- The Executive Board shall consist of and be as follows:
- President
- Vice President
- Chief Administrator
- Treasurer
- The Executive Board shall receive a stipend as defined by the SAC Bylaws.
- The SAC Advisor shall serve as an ex officio member of the executive board
- The Executive Board shall consist of and be as follows:
- Executive Program Council
- The Executive Board shall serve on the Executive Program Council as defined per the SAC Bylaws.
- The Executive Program Council shall consist of those coordinators as defined by the SAC Bylaws.
- The SAC Advisor shall serve as an ex officio member of the Executive Program Council
- Program Council
- The Program Council shall consist of committee members and all Southeast Missouri State University students that attend the general program meetings.
- Voting
- The Program Council (Members At-Large) shall earn voting rights after attending three (3) meetings and two (2) events.
- The Executive Board, Executive Program Council, and Program Council (Members At- Large) shall vote on all matters of programs and finances.
- In case of a tie, the President shall vote. If the President votes to abstain, the vote shall count as a no vote, and therefore the motion in question will fail.
- Elections for Executive Board Members
- The student body shall elect the four (4) Executive Board members.
- Students seeking the office of President shall have served on the Executive Program Council at least one (1) semester prior to elections.
- Elections shall be held annually with the Student Government elections.
- Elections shall be held according to Student Government By-Laws Section 405 No. 01 all sections except those which are in disagreement with the SAC Constitution.
- Elections shall be held by electronic balloting.
- All Executive Board members must be able to serve for one (1) year.
- Term of office shall be May 1 to April 30 of each calendar year.
- Elected officers shall transition with vacating officers from the date of certified elections until May 1.
- Selection of Executive Program Council
- Selection process will be held according to Student Activities Council By-Laws Section III.
- The Coordinators shall be selected during an interview process no later than two (2) weeks before finals.
- The interviewing board shall consist of:
- Outgoing SAC President (if applicable)
- Elected SAC President
- Elected Vice President
- Elected Chief Administrator
- Treasurer
- Student Government President or his/her designee as an ex-officio member
- Results of Members At-Large Ballot Vote
- SAC Advisor
- Duties of Executive Board Members and Executive Program Council
- The President shall:
- Assume the role of President in the event that all three of the following offices become vacant: The President, Vice President of Marketing, and Vice Presidency of Operations.
- Maintain accurate budget records for Student Activities Council.
- Present the financial summary of SAC at all Executive and General Body meetings.
- Allocate programming funds to the Coordinators in conjunction with and approval of the SAC Advisor.
- Collaborate with the Executive Board and the Executive Program Council to ensure quality programs and events.
- Strategic planning in partnership with the Vice President of Operations.
- Keep accurate records of SAC expenditures, which shall conform to standard University financial record-keeping practices.
- Manage budgetary responsibilities for program proposals.
- Prepare a monthly written budget report for the executive board.
- Work with SAC Executive Board members to determine a budget for each semester.
- Work closely with the Student Government Associations Treasurer
- Assist the VP of marketing with the purchase of Promotional items
- Work with the SAC Advisor to present SAC Advantage requests.
- Prepare and present semester budgets to Student Government Association (SGA)
- Enhance his/her experience in SAC and as a student leader on this campus by completing an assessment based on the NACA “Competency Guide for College Student Leaders.”
- Receive a stipend of $100 per semester for holding said position.
- The Vice President shall:
- Assume duties of the President in his/her absence or upon resignation, removal, and/or neglect of duties.
- Plan a comprehensive publicity plan with and lead the following Executive Program Council members – Social Media Coordinator and Street Team Coordinators (s).
- Oversee the purchase of promotional items during Opening Week the Fall and Spring semesters.
- Work to maintain the SAC brand. This may include the development of new branding from time to time.
- Establish and maintain working relationships with campus and media outlets.
- Enhance his/her experience in SAC and as a student leader on this campus by completing as assessment based off the NACA “Competency Guide for College Student Leaders.”
- Receive a stipend of $100 per semester for holding said position.
- The Chief Administrator shall:
- Keep accurate records of all meetings.
- Track members' voting privileges.
- Check the SAC email at least twice (2) a week and mailbox at least once (1) a week and distribute those emails and mail to the correct Officer or Coordinator.
- Keep accurate and up- to-date files in shared filing system.
- Manage and maintain SAC equipment, such as office computer, sound equipment, etc.
- Manage and maintain storage and cleanliness of the SAC office.
- Enhance his/her experience in SAC and as a student leader on campus by completing as assessments based off the NACA "Competency Guide for College Student Leaders."
- Receive a stipend of $100 per semester for holding said position.
- Executive Program Council Coordinator positions and their duties shall be defined in the SAC Bylaws.
- Attendance Policy
- All members of the Executive Board and Executive Programming Council will be required to attend Executive Meetings, General Body Meetings, Committee Meetings and events that are hosted and/or co-hosted by Student Activities Council to the sum of seventy-five percent of the time. This time allowance shall include but is not limited to class, work, and other obligation that the person(s) has.
- The President and/or the Vice President of Operations shall keep among members of the Executive Board and Executive Programming Council each Academic Semester and/or Academic Year.
- In case of an absence members are required to notify the President and or the Vice president of Operations at lease seventy-two hours in advance of an Executive Meetings, General Body Meetings, Committee Meetings and events that are hosted and/ or co-hosted by Student Activities Council. In case of emergency the president and/ or the Vice-President of Operations shall be notified as soon as possible. If the President, Vice-President of Operations, and/or Vice-President of Marketing are absent they shall notify the Advisor
- In the case of excessive absences members shall receive but are not limited to the following repercussions.
- Loss of voting rights
- Loss of Stipend
- Suspension of position to a time determined by the Executive board and/or and Advisor
- Loss of Position
- In case of removal for position refer to section eleven of the constitution. (Page 3, Section B, Lines 1-8).
- The President shall:
- Removal from Office
- Any officer shall be subject to impeachment procedure when any of the following occurs:
- Misuse/theft of funds or resources
- Neglect of duties
- Continued absence from Executive Board, Executive Program Council, or Program Council meetings as defined by SAC Bylaws.
- The procedure for impeachment shall be as follows:
- An Executive Board, Executive Program Council, or Program Council member shall file a complaint with the President, unless the complaint is against the President, and therefore the complaint shall be filed with the Vice President.
- A majority (50%) vote by the Executive Program Council (minus the person in question) shall result in a hearing of the person in question.
- A letter regarding the concerns and information about impeachment shall be issued to the member in question.
- An impeachment hearing will be scheduled at which time the person in question shall be given the opportunity address the concerns. If the person in question fails to be present at the impeachment proceedings, the impeachment proceedings shall continue.
- The impeachment proceedings shall be directed by the President unless the President is being impeached. If the President is being impeached, the Vice President shall serve as the presiding officer.
- Voting of the Executive Program Board shall take place by secret and preprinted ballots.
- Two-thirds (2/3rds) of the Executive Program Council shall be necessary to approve the impeachment.
- The impeached party may appeal to the SAC Advisor. The SAC Advisor will review the case and make a recommendation. There is no further appeals process after the SAC Advisor.
- Selection of New Officers due to removal, or resignation
- The President shall either nominate or accept applications to fill that position.
- If the President is impeached, the Vice President becomes President.
- The new officer shall be interviewed by the Executive Program Council.
- The Executive Program Council shall vote by a simple majority (51%) to approve the nomination.
- Any officer shall be subject to impeachment procedure when any of the following occurs:
- Hazing
- Hazing for the purpose of pledging, initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for maintaining membership in a group, organization, or team shall be defined as:
- Any intentional, knowing or reckless act, whether on or off campus, which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of any person, regardless of consent, or which violates public law or University policy.
- Hazing includes, but is not limited to:
- Any physical brutality such as whipping, beating, striking, paddling, branding, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity;
- Any physical activity such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement, calisthenics, or other activity that subjects a student to risk of harm, or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of a student;
- Any activity involving consumption of food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, drug, or substance that subjects a student to risk of harm, or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of a student;
- Any activity that intimidates or threatens a student with ostracism, subjects a student to extreme mental stress, shame or humiliation, or adversely affects the mental health or dignity of a student, or that may reasonably be expected to cause a student to leave the organization or institution rather than submit to acts described above; and
- Any activity in which a person solicits, plans, encourages, directs, aids, or attempts to aid another in hazing or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly permits hazing to occur and/or knowingly fails to report the incident.
- Hazing is inconsistent with Missouri laws/statues, University policies, the Student Code of Conduct, and fraternal/organizational laws. This student organization and its members agree to abide by the anti-hazing policy required of all student organization at Southeast Missouri State University.
- Hazing for the purpose of pledging, initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for maintaining membership in a group, organization, or team shall be defined as:
- Amending the Constitution
- Proposing an Amendment:
- Any member of the Executive Board, Executive Program Council, or Program Council (Members At-Large) shall move to amend the Constitution.
- The proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board and Executive Program Council for review of the amendment.
- Proposed amendments shall be read and tabled for one week.
- Voting on an Amendment:
- The amendment shall be reread, debated, and voted on at the next regular meeting of the Executive Program Council and Program Council after the proposal has been submitted.
- A two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the Executive Program Council shall be necessary to pass an amendment to the Constitution and;
- A majority plus one (51%) vote of the Program Council shall be necessary to pass an amendment to the Constitution.
- Proposing an Amendment:
- Ratification
- Ratification of this Constitution shall be made by a vote of two-thirds of the current Student Activities Council and a majority vote of the Student Government Association.
- The Constitution shall take effect beginning May 1, 2014.
SECTION 412 NO. 01
Date Amended: 05/04/2020
SUBJECT: Senate Absentee Policy
- All Senators and Executive Board members, in order to successfully fulfill their obligation to the Student Body, are hereby required to attend all committee and Student Senate meetings.
- An Absentee is defined as having missed an entire meeting.
- All anticipated absences, late arrivals, and early departures need to be communicated ahead of time to the Secretary via email.
- If there are any concerns regarding attendances, the Executive Committee will meet with the person in question to express those concerns.
- The Secretary shall keep each member updated on their standing regarding absences on a monthly basis.
- Any Senator who acquires four uncommunicated absences in their committee shall be put on probation. A senator who acquires three absences per semester from regular senate meetings shall be put on probation until the time the senator meets with the Executive Committee to appeal the probation.
- If a senator is put on probation they are not allowed to attend meetings or represent the Student Government Association; probation will last two meetings or until the senator meets with the Executive Committee.
- If the senator's appeal is granted the senator will be taken off probation; if the senator;'s appeal is denied they will automatically be removed from office.
- If the senator fails to meet with the Executive Committee within th e two meeting period the senator will be automatically removed from office.
- Any Executive Committee member who acquires more than three absences from executive committee meetings in an academic year shall be automatically removed from office. Any Executive Committee member who acquires more than three absences from regular senate meetings in the academic year shall be automatically removed from office.
- Any Senate member removed from office for attendance reasons may appeal to the Executive Committee to remain in office.
- The Executive Committee shall base the decision of the appeal on the member's reasons for absence.
- These reasons shall be regarded collectively, not individually; if one of the absences is found to be unacceptable, the member may be removed from office.
- The Executive Committee's decision shall be final.
SECTION 412 NO. 02
Last Amended: April 21, 2014
SUBJECT: Senate Business
- All Senate business to be placed on the agenda must be submitted in writing to the Student Government Vice President by 9:00 a.m. on Monday prior to the Senate meeting. Any Senate business submitted after this time may be postponed to the following Senate meeting at the discretion of the Student Government Vice President.
- An exception may be made in the case of the Student Government Funding Board with the agreement of the Treasurer and the Vice President.
SECTION 412 NO. 03
Date Enacted: 02/12/85
SUBJECT: Rules of Order
- The rules contained in the Southeast Missouri State University Student Government Standing Rules of Order shall govern that organization in all cases where they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the by-laws of the association. In any case where a rule is not expressly covered in these Standing Rules of Order, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the decision.
SECTION 412 NO. 06
Date Enacted: 10/04/85
SUBJECT: Rules of Procedure for Committees
- Every committee, being an independent body within the Senate, has the right to establish its own rules of procedure.
- Committee meetings shall be run under the rules established by the committee.
- These rules shall not conflict with the Student Constitution, Student Government by- laws, or resolutions.
SECTION 412 NO. 08
Date Enacted: 12/08/86
SUBJECT: Effective Date for Student Government Bills
- Billspassed by the Student Government Senate shall not be made to be in effect before the date at which they were passed by the Senate.
SECTION 412 NO. 09
Last Amended: 10/22/2018
SUBJECT: Statement of Non-Discrimination and Anti-Hazing
Statement of Anti-Hazing
Hazing for the purpose of pledging, initiation, admissions into, affiliation with, or as a condition for maintaining membership in a group, organization, or team shall be defined as;
- Any intentional, knowing or reckless act, whether on or off campus, which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of any person, regardless of consent, or which violates public law or University policy.
- Hazing includes, but is not limited to:
- Any physical brutality such as whipping, beating, striking, paddling, branding, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity;
- Any physical activity such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement, calisthenics, or other activity that subjects a student to risk of harm, or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of a student;
- Any activity involving consumption of food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, drug, or substance that subjects a student to risk of harm, or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of a student;
- Any activity that intimidates or threatens a student with ostracism, subjects a student to extreme mental stress, shame or humiliation, or adversely affects the mental health or dignity of a student, or that may reasonably be expected to cause a student to leave the organization or institution rather than submit to acts described above; and
- Any activity in which a person solicits, plans, encourages, directs, aids, or attempts to aid another in hazing or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly permits hazing to occur and/or knowingly fails to report the incident.
- Hazing is inconsistent with Missouri laws/statues, University policies, the Student Code of Conduct, and fraternal/organizational laws. This student organization and its members agree to abide by the anti- hazing policy required of all student organization at Southeast Missouri State University.
Statement of Non-Discrimination
Southeast Missouri State University is committed to providing a safe, civil and positive learning and working environment for its faculty, staff, students, and visitors, free from discrimination in any form. This policy applies to all members and guests of the University community and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, genetic information, disability, or protected veteran status in any of its programs or activities. Harassment based on any of these classifications is a form of discrimination that also violates University policy and will not be tolerated. In some circumstances, such discrimination may also violate federal and/or state law. Retaliation is also prohibited against anyone who asserts a claim of discrimination, participates in a discrimination investigation, or otherwise opposes unlawful discrimination.
This policy is consistent with the academic mission of the University and with the legal requirements of applicable state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination. These laws include, but are not limited to: Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Missouri Human Rights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Vietnam-Era Veterans Readjust
SECTION 413 NO. 01
Last Amended: 11/16/2020
SUBJECT: Dr. R. Ferrell Ervin Excellence in Teaching Award
- Purpose
- The purpose of the Dr. R. Ferrell Ervin Excellence in Teaching Award Selection Committee (hereinafter referred to as “ETASC”) is to recognize university faculty members who make a difference in students’ lives through exemplary instructional skills.Purpose
- Structure
- The ETASC shall be assigned to University Affairs Committee Chair under the authority of Student Government.
- The committee shall report directly to the Student Government President.
- The committee shall not be considered a “public governmental body,” and is therefore entitled to maintaining sealed confidential records and holding closed meetings.
- Officers
- The Student Government University Affairs Committee Chair shall be the chairperson of the ETASC.
- The chairperson shall preside over all meetings and ensure that proper parliamentary procedure is employed, and that the committee adheres to all policies.
- The Student Government University Affairs Committee Chair shall be the chairperson of the ETASC.
- Depending on the number of applications obtained, the chairperson shall solicit nominations from the student body for up to two (2) Dr. R. Ferrell Ervin Excellence in Teaching Award winners beginning at the start of the Spring Semester.
- The members of the ETASC Committee will assist the chairperson in obtaining nominations.
- The Chairperson should advertise for the nominations in the second week of February.
- All Faculty nominations must be received by the Student Government Administrative Assistant or the Chief of Staff by 5:00 PM the last Thursday before Spring Break.
- The chairperson shall set the schedule of committee meetings to accomplish the selection process.
- The chairperson shall not vote except in the case of a tie.
- The ETASC will be responsible for keeping and filing accurate meeting minutes.
- These recorded minutes shall be kept by the ETASC committee chair and must be filed with the Student Government Administrative Assistant by the end of the spring semester.
- These files must be marked “Confidential”.
- Membership
- The University Affairs Committee Chair shall appoint members to the ETASC during the Spring Semester each year.
- All members must have completed at least fifteen (15) hours of coursework at Southeast Missouri State University.
- All members must remain in good academic and judicial standing throughout their term. Failure to maintain good standing shall result in immediate termination from the committee.
- There shall be a maximum of eight Student Government Senators to serve as members on the committee, with at least five members coming from different academic colleges or schools within the university at the time of their appointment.
- The college which the committee chairperson is affiliated with is not counted for meeting requirements of this selection.
- Members shall be selected during the spring semester and serve a one semester term.
- All members must attend all meeting unless an emergency precludes from them doing so. Failure to attend meetings shall result in the immediate termination from the committee.
- Members shall notify the committee chairperson as soon as possible if an emergency precludes them from attending a scheduled meeting.
- The Student Government President, in consultation with the committee chairperson, shall have the power to terminate a member for failure to attend meetings.Any member who breaks the confidentiality of the deliberations or records of the committee shall be immediately terminated.
- The Student Government President, in consultation with the committee chairperson, shall have the power to terminate a member for failure to maintain confidentiality.
- If a committee member is terminated due to any of the aforementioned reasons, a new member from the same academic college must be appointed by the Student Government President with the advice and consent of the Chief of Staff.
- The Student Government President shall be an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the committee.
- Committee Powers
- The committee has the authority, with the advice and consent of the Student Government Executive Committee, to select up to two university faculty members, depending upon the number of nominations received, to be recognized with the Dr. R. Ferrell Ervin Excellence in Teaching Award each year.
- Committee Procedure
- All committee meetings shall be closed to any individual who is not a member of the committee.
- Following the nomination deadline, the committee shall meet at least one time to select the award winners.
- The committee shall not select any faculty member who has not attained the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor.
- Members of this committee may not submit faculty nominations.
- The committee must give weight in their deliberations to the following factors. The committee must use its own judgment in determining applicability of these factors.
- Instructional ability.
- Ability to communicate effectively.
- Ability to relate to students.
- Use of instructional technology to enhance lessons and class administration.
- Approachability.
- Availability outside of the classroom (i.e. office hours)
- Involvement with our sponsorship of student organizations.
- The committee shall select the award winners by secret ballot, and the two candidates with the largest number of votes shall be the winners.
- By the second Monday in April, the committee shall submit, confidentially, to the Student Government President, the names of the faculty member(s) who have been selected.
- After receiving the name(s) of the selected faculty member(s), the President shall forward those names to the university’s Provost to ensure that the selected individuals are in good standing with the university.
- At the next Student Government Executive Committee meeting, the names of the selected faculty member(s) shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for their approval by a majority vote.
- All members of the Executive Committee shall hold the discussion and the vote in the strictest confidence.
- The Executive Committee does not have the authority to modify the selection, or reject any one selected member. Only a rejection or approval of the award winning nomination may be done.
- If the Executive Committee chooses to reject the selections, the ETASC must modify and re-submit its selections for the award.
- Following final approval, the committee chairperson shall make arrangements for plaques, photographs or other recognitions as approved by the Student Government Executive Committee.
- The approved recognition items shall be presented at the Student Government’s annual banquet.
- The Student Government Executive Committee may also determine a fitting location for public display of approved recognition items.
SECTION 413 NO. 02
Last Amended: 04/16/2018
SUBJECT: Barbara Hope Kem Fund Scholarship Committee
- Purpose
- The purpose of the Barbara Hope Kem Fund Scholarship Committee (herein referred to as “BHKFSC”) is to recommend one student to the University Foundation for receipt of the Barbara Hope Kem Fund Scholarship, as defined in the scholarship description.
- Structure
- The BHKFSC shall be a special committee created under the authority of Student Government.
- The committee shall report directly to the Student Government President.
- The committee shall not be considered a “public governmental body,” and is therefore entitled to maintaining sealed confidential records and holding closed meetings.
- Officers
- The chairperson of Student Government’s Student Issues Committee shall be the chairperson of the BHKFSC.
- The chairperson shall preside over all meetings and ensure that proper parliamentary procedure is employed.
- The chairperson must ensure that the policies of the committee are adhered to.
- The chairperson shall not vote except in the case of a tie.
- The chairperson of Student Government’s Student Issues Committee shall be the chairperson of the BHKFSC.
- Membership
- Membership shall consist of the Student Government Rules Committee Chairperson, a representative from the University Foundation, a representative from the Scholarship Office, the Student Regent, and four University students.
- All student members must have completed at least fifteen (15) hours of coursework at Southeast Missouri State University at the time they submit an application.
- Of the four (4) “at large” student members on the BHKFSC, at least three (3) must represent different academic colleges within the university at the time of their appointment.
- The college with which the committee chairperson is affiliated is not counted for meeting requirements of this selection.
- The Student Government President and Rules Committee chairperson shall solicit applications for membership on the BHKFSC during the fall semester.
- Applications for membership must be returned to the Student Government Administrative Assistant by December 1.
- The Rules Committee shall review all applications prior to the end of the fall semester and make recommendations for membership to the Student Government President.
- The committee must be established by the end of the fall semester.
- Members appointed to the committee will serve until the end of the spring semester. All student members must remain in good academic and judicial standing throughout their term. Failure to maintain this good standing shall result in immediate termination from the committee.
- All members must attend all meetings unless an emergency precludes from them doing so.
- Members shall notify the committee chairperson as soon as possible if an emergency precludes them from attending a scheduled meeting.
- The Student Government President, in consultation with the committee chairperson, shall have the power to terminate a member for failure to attend meetings.
- Any member who breaks the confidentiality of the deliberations or records of the committee shall be immediately terminated.
- The Student Government President, in consultation with the committee chairperson, shall have the power to terminate a member for failure to maintain confidentiality.
- If a committee member is terminated due to any of the aforementioned reasons, a new member from the same academic college must be appointed by the Student Government President.
- The Student Government President shall be an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the committee.
- Committee Powers
- The committee has the authority to recommend one student to the University Scholarship Office for receipt of the Barbara Hope Kem Fund Scholarship.
- Committee Procedure
- All committee meetings shall be closed to any individual who is not a member of the committee.
- The committee will convene in January to establish a marketing strategy and solicit potential recipients.
- The committee shall solicit applications for the scholarship beginning the first week of the spring semester.
- All applications must be received by the University Foundation by March 15 and subsequently reviewed by the Scholarship Office for compliance with the required academic and financial criteria.
- Following the application deadline, the committee may meet as many times as it deems necessary to select recipient(s).
- The committee will be responsible for reviewing applications, scoring essays, and interviewing all prospective candidates.
- The committee must give weight in their deliberations to the following factors. The committee must use its own judgment in determining applicability of these factors.
- Financial need
- Ability and willingness to repay loan
- Motivation to further education and pursue a career in chosen field
- The committee shall select the award winner through a system of voting and deliberations it deems appropriate.
- The committee shall not select any student who is a member of the committee.
- By the end of April, the committee shall submit, confidentially, to the Student Government President, the name(s) of the student that has been selected and the recommended award amount.
- The President shall forward the selected recipients’ name(s) and the recommended amount to the University Foundation for approval by the end of the spring semester.
- Once awarded, scholarship recipients may be eligible for renewal and need not follow the procedure for first-time award winners.
- The committee shall meet to review the performance of scholarship recipients for possible renewal each year. This meeting will involve committee members and scholarship recipients to review recipient progress toward their degrees.
- After review, the committee will forward the names of scholarship renewal recipients along with the name of the new recipient(s).
SECTION 414 NO. 01
Last Amended: March 28, 2016
Subject: Inventory
- Inventory Collection:
- All checked-out inventory must be returned by the organization by the next posted office hours unless otherwise arranged by the inventory manager.
- For all inventory agreements a representative from the organization must sign the liability agreement.
- Any items purchased using the Student Organization account may be retained in the inventory at the discretion of the Funding Board.
- Liabilities:
- If inventory items are lost or damaged while in the possession of a student organization a representative from the organization must appeal the case to the Funding Board to determine consequences.
- Funding Board will be responsible for determining the proper course of action in the event of lost or damaged items.
SECTION 415 NO. 01
Date Enacted: April 9, 2018
SUBJECT: Parker Field Mural Committee
- Purpose
- The purpose of the Parker Field Mural Committee is to select the qualifying design for the two mural spaces per semester, and to monitor the progress of the participants and murals.
- Members
- The Parker Field Mural Committee shall consist of at least 3 senators from the Special Projects Committee of Student Government, and a representative of both Facilities Management and Campus Life Office.
- The chairperson of Student Government's Special Projects committee shall bethe chairperson of the Parker Field Mural Committee who shall preside over all meetings and ensure that proper parliamentary procedure is employed, and that the committee adheres to all policies.
- Other Senators interested from other Student Government committees may participate with approval from the Special Projects Committee Chair chairperson.
- Senators of the committee will be tasked with keeping record of the progress of the murals and the participants.
- Structure
- The Parker Field Mural Committee shall be assigned to the Special Projects Chair under the authority of Student Government.
- Up to two Parker Field mural spots will be allotted per semester to be painted on.
- Each mural design will be displayed for the entirety of two years, in which on the beginning of the third year the process will then renew itself for that mural spot.
- Participation Rules
- Participation is available to all staff, faculty, and currently enrolled students. Participants may be single or as a group collaboration.
- All participants must turn in a completed mural design proposal to be reviewed by the Parker Field Mural Committee.
- All designs submitted must be University appropriate and cannot display any form of offensive symbolism, offensive language, illegal activity, violence and/or nudity. The appropriateness of the designs will be judged by the Parker Field Mural Committee.
- All Participants must include their name, school email address and a phone number with the submission.
- Participants will have until the 6th Friday of the semester to submit their designs to the Parker Field Mural Committee.
- Accepted participants will have up to half of the semester to complete their mural design to receive the allotted financial compensation, with exceptions due to inclement weather.
- Participants may paint their mural at any time, barring that they follow University procedures and does not cause a disturbance to any other event/activity taking place.
- To receive financial compensation for paint, the participants must use the University approved brand of paint and return receipts of purchase to the Parker Field Mural Committee.
- The first priority will be given to a Southeast student as long as above expectations are met during the submission process. A collaboration with faculty will not affect priority.
Last Amended: 05/04/2020
SUBJECT: Meeting Requirement to Receive Student Government Association Recognition and Funding
- To be recognized and receive funding by the Student Government Association each organization that has applied must send a representative to at least one Student Government Association meeting each semester.
- One representative can be any member of the organization and can represent multiple organizations; the representative can also be a Senator in the Student Government Association;
- The representative of each organization is required to email the current Student Government Association Secretary with the following information:
- The name of the representative
- The name of the organization/organizations they will be representing at the Student Government Senate meeting
- The date of the meeting/meetings they will be attending
- The representative must attend the whole meeting and will be denied recognition and funding if they leave early without a valid excuse.
- Excuses can be submitted to the Executive Board a week before the meeting to be approved.
- The current Student Government Treasurer and Secretary will keep an Excel list of all the organizations that are recognized by the Student Government Association and qualify to receive funding.
- At the beginning of each Student Government Association Senate meeting the current Student Government Association Secretary will take a roll call of all the organizations that are supposed to be at the meeting.
- After attending the meeting the organization will receive an email from the current Student Government Association Treasurer saying that they are qualified to receive funding and an email from the current Student Government Association Secretary saying they are an organization that is recognized by the Student Government Association.