Feminist Thought vs. Radical Intolerance Focus of Community Engagement Series

Join members of the Southeast and Cape Girardeau communities from 5:30-7 p.m. March 29 in the Oscar Hirsch Room in the Cape Girardeau Public Library in a moderated panel discussion on 'Feminist Thought vs. Radical Intolerance.' The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Kirsten LaMantia. Panelists will include Dr. Shonta Smith, Dr. Debbie Lee-Distefano, Dr. Hamner Hill, Ms. Jada Wan, Ms. Breanne Bleichroth, Dr. Quantella Noto and Dr. Rachel Morgan Theall. In 1984, feminist writer bell hooks wrote, “too many women have ceased to support the feminist struggle because the ideology has been too dogmatic, too absolutist, too closed. [They] have left feminist movement because they were identified as ‘the enemy.” Feminist movements, like all social movements are constantly evolving, ebbing, and shifting. With each decade and each generation, we see women and occasionally men, taking on the “feminist” label for various reasons…voting rights, reproductive rights, pay disparity, in protest of sexual and domestic violence, or to propel the various female candidates running for political office. The micro-political messages associated with the term “feminist” sometimes seem endless, they change decade to decade, or by what’s trending on Twitter. Although many people may choose to label themselves a “feminist”, do they truly have a deep understanding of what the term means? Do they understand the historical connotations, the power of the word, the power of those who have used the label throughout history, the fights and the struggles of the early feminists over the years? Or have some appropriated the word and its power, making it the label du jour? Has it become just another label used to keep the “others” out? Has the former equality-seeking feminist become a weak symbol, replaced by the modern day radical feminist who is intolerant and alienating? To register for the event, visit: http://www.semo.edu/diversity/news-events.html. For more information, please contact Sia Sharma at equityissues@semo.edu or (573) 651-2606.