Take-Away Friday Presents 'Teaching at Southeast in a Post-QM Learning Environment'

The “Take-Away Friday” series of faculty development workshops presents “Teaching at Southeast in a Post-QM Learning Environment” at noon April 28 in the Towers Complex 110. This week, the Office of Instructional Technology and the Center for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning will continue to discuss the Quality Matters (QM) mandate and what we now understand about online learning, campus cultures, faculty development, and motivation. In this session, examine some of the data measuring the impact of QM and hear from seasoned participants about the successes and horrors of QM. Come and hear what our presenters have to say! As always, lunch is provided. This program originally was scheduled for April 7 but was postponed till April 28 due to the campus power outage that occurred April 7. Please register at https://cstl.semo.edu/workshop/.