The goal of Academic Advising is to create a welcoming environment for students: to motivate, inspire, and empower students from their first day on campus at orientation all the way to graduation. Through innovation, dedication, and technology, you will benefit from a skilled staff of advisors dedicated to helping you find your path and your success. Schedule an appointment and prepare to excel.
Academic Advising
Advisors can assist with enrolling in classes, declaring/changing your major or minor, and providing overall support to successfully graduate. Academic advisors are available by appointment.
Current Student Checklist
Take control of your class list by overseeing your current student checklist. The checklist provides information on financial aid status, advisor, advising enrollment date, and so much more.
Start your journey!
Not sure what to major in just yet? Don't worry, you aren't alone! Lots of Redhawks aren't quite sure what they want to major in when starting school, and even more change their minds! We can help you explore and declare a major with a few simple steps.
Declare or change your major or minor
Are you looking to change or declare your major or minor? It's as simple as filling out a form and working with an advisor.
Program Finder
With a variety of different majors and minors to choose from, you can find the right path for you by working with an advisor and checking out our Program Finder.
Career Counseling
Interested in learning about what may come after graduation while exploring our majors? Contact Career Services for more information on what options are available for each field of study.
“ My professors and advisor are nothing short of amazing. They are so understanding and more than willing to help in any way. ”
More about Academic Advising
Peer Advisor Support at Southeast
Sometimes you need help from someone who knows exactly what you're experiencing. The Peer Advisor Support at Southeast (PASS) program allows students to build relationships with a Peer Advisor to seek guidance, practical advice, and ways to connect on campus.
Academic Coaching Program
The Academic Coaching Program (ACP) is a two-semester process that provides first-year students with individual support to help them achieve their academic goals.
Staff Mentor
Staff Mentors are here to help when aren't sure where to turn. If you are in need of a little extra help, motivation, or support, work with a Staff Mentor to ease your transition with college life in and out of the classroom.
Responsible Redhawk
We all have a part to play on campus to be a Responsible Redhawk. Use these resources for questions related to important dates, course registration, campus policies, student organizations, technology, and more.
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