Integrity Week
Continue to main contentWe want Southeast students to be people of integrity on and off-campus. One goal of Integrity Week is to start conversations as to what it means to be a person of integrity and how to live a life of integrity. Throughout the week, signage displaying inspirational quotes will be placed across campus. Events are planned each year to start the discussions.
2020 Integrity Week Events
“Maintaining Communication Integrity During COVID” Presentation and Discussion
11 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 22, Forrest H. Rose Theatre in Grauel Building*
Dr. Pam Parry, a professor of mass media, will discuss best practices for communication during a time of crisis to mitigate the tragic outcomes of COVID-19 and offer suggestions for how audiences can filter the information they receive.
“We have all seen good and bad examples of communication from health professionals, social media, corporations, politicians, and other leaders during this pandemic,” Parry said. “My discussion will be an apolitical look at the importance of credible, accurate, and complete communication during a global health crisis.”
Do’s and Do’Nuts
8:30 – 11 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 22, Kent Library Portico, University Center Lobby, and Seabaugh Polytechnic Building Lobby
Southeast’s Academic Advising will distribute pre-packaged donuts and inspirational messages while supplies last.
Video: “Stage Combat Integrity” Video Presentation
Bart Williams, associate professor of theatre and dance, recorded a video with Southeast senior Corie Williams and recent graduate Trendon Everett as they perform a scene from “Henry IV, Part 1” and demonstrate how integrity is a key factor in realizing fights for stage and film.
Video: “Is Cheating a Victimless Offense? Research Suggest It’s Not and Here’s Why”
Monica Radu, assistant professor of sociology, explores common misconceptions about academic dishonesty. Research on students’ perceptions of academic dishonesty suggests that some students believe that cheating is a victimless offense. However, research also suggests that there are long-term consequences of academic dishonesty, including the construction of a culture of mistrust.
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is one of the most important qualities influencing the character and vitality of an educational institution. Academic misconduct or dishonesty is inconsistent with membership in an academic community and cannot be accepted. Violations of academic honesty represent a serious breach of discipline and may be considered grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal from the University.
Academic dishonesty is defined to include those acts which would deceive, cheat, or defraud so as to promote or enhance one’s scholastic record. Knowingly or actively assisting any person in the commission of an above-mentioned act is also academic dishonesty. Students are responsible for upholding the principles of academic honesty in accordance with the “University Statement of Student Rights” found in the Code of Student Conduct. The University requires that all assignments submitted to faculty members by students be the work of the individual student submitting the work. An exception would be group projects assigned by the instructor. In this situation, the work must be that of the group.
Academic dishonesty includes:
- Plagiarism: In speaking or writing, plagiarism is the act of passing someone else’s work off as one’s own. In addition, plagiarism is defined as using the essential style and manner of expression of a source as if it were one’s own. If there is any doubt, the student should consult his/her instructor or any manual of term paper or report writing. Violations of academic honesty include:
- Presenting the exact words of a source without quotation marks; Using another student’s computer source code or algorithm or copying a laboratory report; or Presenting information, judgments, ideas, or facts summarized from a source without giving credit.
- Cheating: Cheating includes using or relying on the work of someone else in an inappropriate manner. It includes, but is not limited to, those activities where a student:
- Obtains or attempts to obtain unauthorized knowledge of an examination’s contents prior to the time of that examination; Copies another student’s work or intentionally allows others to copy assignments, examinations, source codes or designs; Works in a group when she/he has been told to work individually; Uses unauthorized reference material during an examination; or have someone else take an examination or takes the examination for another.
The “Protocol for Adjudicating Alleged Violations of Academic Honesty” and for appealing the results of a formal hearing are outlined in the Undergraduate Bulletin.
Integrity Week
Find out what integrity means to some of the members of the Southeast community!